A Bad Ghost

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Sam's pov

I was doing my English homework when the ghost girl floated above me and pulled my hair. "Cut it out." I say, swatting her. She giggled and continued to float around me. "Only you and the old guy can see me!" I glare at her. "My dad's not old. He's only 35!" "Sam, who are you talking to?" My friend Ken asks. "I'm.... Uh...." "She's talking to me!" The girl shouts phasing through him. He shivers slightly. "Mrs. Rider, can I turn the AC down? I'm freezing!" He asks raising his hand. She says he can and he opens the window. I'm nervous. I've got to talk to daddy. The bell rings for lunch but instead I go to the office and ask to call my dad. "What for?" "I need to talk to him. It's important!" She sighs. "Fine. But don't stay on long." The girl appears beside me and grabs my arm as I reach for the phone. I strugglingly pull free and dial dad's number.

Jason's pov

Me and the guys in the band were rehearsing for a benefit concert this weekend. My phone started ringing, throwing us off. "Hm. The school." I whisper worried. I swipe answer and walk outside. "Sam?" "Dad... That girl... She.... She won't leave me alone." "What's she done hun?" "She keeps pulling my hair and embarrassing me!" Man. What do I do?! "Is she there with you now?" "Yeah... She... She's creepy." "Don't say that Sam. Tell her to come to me." I hear her say that to her. Ten seconds later, she appears beside me, making me drop my phone in surprise. "I've got her now, Sam. Head on back to class." "No. I'm having fun!" The little girl says with a devious look on her face. "Hold up. Just a sec." I say, getting off the phone. "What's your name?" She glares at me. "Like I'm telling you old man!" Old man?! "OK, I'll have you know, I'm not old!" "Who cares!" She vanishes and reappears beside Rich and his drumset. "Don't!" I cry as she slams her hand on the cymbal. Everyone jumps in surprise except me. Ugh. "Take 5 guys." I say. They all leave and I walk over. "Where'd you come from little girl?" "Sam saw me at school so I followed her." "So you are from the school. You do know you're.... You're dead, right?" "Of course I'm dead! What did you think I'm an idiot!" I sigh and pull a chair up. "What's your name?" "Clarice." "Do you know how you died?" Anger flares in her eyes. "Shut up and leave me alone you old man!" She shouts then vanishes. The light above my head shatters and glass rains down on me. "Aw, you've got a very pissed ghost on your hands." I tense up in surprise. A guy in black stood a few feet away, looking at his nails. Damn. Two ghosts?! He smiles. "I could... Take her off your hands.... It's much better in the darkness." My heart pounds out of my chest. I don't know what this guy is proposing but I know it can't be good. "You leave tat little girl alone. I'll cross her over." He laughs. "Yes, well good luck with that! She's been here for centuries! As have I!" "Do you know how she died?" "Like I would ever help a ghost whisperer." He says then vanishes. I feel a shiver go down my back. That guy is bad news.


Sam comes home from school. "Hey honey-" "That girl is evil!" She shouts, unzipping her backpack. There's a horrible smell coming from her backpack. "What is that?!" I gape plugging my nose. "That girl put a dead frog in my backpack!" Jeez! "I'm trying to get her to cross over, sweetheart. But she's very flighty." "Dinner will be ready in an hour." Miranda says, walking out of the kitchen. "Oh God what's that smell?!" She yelps, caught off guard. "A ghost is messing with our daughter." "Ugh. Do I have reason to worry?" I smile as she sits beside me, a hand on her stomach. "No honey. I'm taking care of it." I say, resting a hand on her leg. She smiles softly. "Well you can also get dinner out of the fridge in an hour. Cause I'm feeling lazy right about now." I laugh softly. "OK knucklehead." A deep voice suddenly laughs behind me. I glance back but see nothing. "Hm." Sam goes to her room. "Such a nice little family. Would be a shame if something.... Were to go wrong." I stand up worried. "Slow yourself!" The guy reappears, as before, smirking confidently. "What do you mean?" "Jason what's going on?" Miranda asked, grabbing my pants leg. I help her off the couch, the babies weighing her down. I look back at the guy. He was smiling at her. What's he planning? "Ow." I hear Miranda say. I look away from him to my girl. "Babe?" "Ow, Jason my stomach!" She gasps. Fear fills me. "STOP IT!! STOP HURTING HER!!" I yell. "Give me the girl and I will!" He says. "No! Stop!!" I yell angrily. "Aaahh! Make it stop!" She whimpers. I don't know what to do! "OK!!" I yelp regretting it. She faints and he vanishes, laughing quietly. Oh my God. Did I just condemn that innocent little girl?

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