A Bad Camping Experience

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Jason's pov

Me and the guys had just finished recording when I got a text from Luke.

L: Did you know the girls were going out of town?

J: Yeah. Something about visiting the family back home.

L: Well, what do we do all weekend?

J: I don't know about you but me and Mason are going camping. Wanna join?

L: Sure.

I get to Mason's house and he's all packed up. "Just like old times huh buddy?" He says, smiling. "Yeah. Except for our sibling rivalry." He laughs. "I bet I can catch more fish than you!" My eyes go wide. "You're on!" We get the campsite and Mason fixes the tent while I build a fire. Ten minutes later, Luke gets here. "Hey this'll keep your mind off the girls being gone!"


We were gathered around the campfire, talking and roasting the fish we caught. "What happened in that warehouse?" Luke asks. My hands freeze. "I don't... Wanna talk about it." I say, carefully. Especially with Luke here. "Was it creepy?" I nod slowly. "Dude ya gotta tell us." Ugh. "Why?" "Cause it's cool!" Mason gasps. My eyes go wide. "Cool!!? Getting kidnapped by freaks in masks is cool to you!! My wife had a sword hung over her head!! That's not cool!" I screech, standing up. They both fall silent. The only sound is the fire crackling. "Jeez man, I'm sor-" "I'm goin' to bed." I mutter stomping to my tent. This was supposed to be fun. Now it's turned into a huge regret.

Luke's pov

Wow. I didn't see that coming. "I didn't know." Mason said. I sigh.

Jason's pov

"If I knew that happened, I wouldn't have asked! I thought it was just fans!" I hear Mason say. I grit my teeth and shut my eyes, trying to block out their voices. "Ya gotta watch what ya say around him about her. He'd go to the grave for her." Luke says. I slam the pillow over my face and scream into it. Luckily the pillow muffles the scream and they don't hear it. "God what is wrong with me?" I whisper, covering my eyes after moving the pillow. Suddenly it's quiet out there. I sit up confused. "Guys?" Silence. I pull the tent flap back and the fire is a charred mess and the boys are gone. I check their tents, but they aren't there. "Luke? Mason?" I call confused. I hear an owl in the distance. I walk down the trail leading to the lake. I hear splashing like someone is running through the water. I come around the corner and catch a glimpse of Luke's hoodie. "Luke! Wait up man!" I call, running after him. "Where are you guys going?!" I'm all out of breath by the time I turn the corner. "Luke? Come on guys this isn't funny!" I hear laughter and a scream. I take off running terrified. That wasn't just any scream! That was my wife! "BABY!!!" I run through the dense foilage and into a clear area kinda like our campsite only instead of tents. It's a stone table and Miranda is tied down on it!! She sees me and tugs at the restraints. "Jason!! Please! Help me!" She gasps. "I'm comin' hun!" I run over but there's some kind of forcefield that I smash into. It sends me flying back and I slam into a tree. "No!" I cry, running to it and pounding my fists on it. "No! No! Please don't hurt her!" The guys in masks walk through the trees. "Let her go! Take me instead!" I hit my knees terrified. Fear fills me when they remove their masks. "M-Mason?!?! L-Luke!!" I scream backing up. "Jason! Jason wake up!" Huh?

*he wakes up*

That was a dream? I breathe a relieved sigh and sit up. "I-I... I don't... Remember even falling asleep." I mumble, shakily staring at my hands. "You okay?" Luke asks. "Y-Yeah. Just a nightmare." I grab my phone and lay back down. The guys having gone to their tents. I scroll through pictures of us. "Hurry home babe." I whisper, dropping my phone to my chest. Ugh separation anxiety is the worst.

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