A Confused Girl

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Jason's pov

*In his dream*

I was walking down a hall on the ship. One I don't recognize. It was dark and there was no one around. There were cobwebs and an unpleasant smell that I couldn't place. "Hello? Where am I?" This is so creepy. Where is everyone?! I finally find my room number and open the door. "Oh thank God! I got lost and.... Wait... A second.... You're not.... Who are you?" She doesn't turn around. Just stands by the wall, her back to me. "Hello? Am I talking to a brick wall here?!" I gasp frustrated. She turns around and the letters C, R, and E are imprinted on her forehead. Below those letters are a T, U, and N . What the heck? The side of her head was bleeding too. "Who are you?" "Can you help me? I'm looking for my boyfriend." She says, her voice is wavering like she's talking through water. "I... I'm not sure... Are... Are you dead?" "Why the devil would you say that?!" I take a nervous step back. "Your.. fa... Nevermind." I say, quickly leaving the room. Shit. "Make that five ghosts."

*He wakes up*

That was just a dream?! But I know that ghost girl was real! Weird though I couldn't tell she was a ghost til she turned around.

*The next day*

Miranda's pov

Jason was getting ready for the day when he changed his shirt and I noticed three long red scratch marks on his shoulder and back! "Jason what happened to you?" I gasp shocked. "What do you mean?" "There's long scratches on your back!" I say pointing. "I... What?" He gaped, caught off guard. He looked at it in the mirror. "What the heck?!" He gasps. Obviously he doesn't know where they came from. "Huh? Maybe I scratched myself in the middle of the night." "Weird." I mumble. We were walking to the upper deck when he just stopped walking, staring straight ahead. "Jason?" I say shaking his arm. He snaps back to reality and puts a hand to his head. "Dammit there's a ghost getting into my head... Makin' me see things." He mumbles, worrying me. "What'd you see?" "A stairwell. I heard a scream too." "Weird." "I don't know what it's about. But it's something to do with this ship."

Jason's pov

I meet Tyler to discuss the set list for tonight. "We should do country boy can survive. The fans loved it when we did that in the live show." He says, writing it down. "Sure. That's always fun." I say, trying to ward off a ghost related headache. "You alright man? Ya don't look so good." "My head just hurts. What else are we playin'?" He shrugs. "What else do you want to play?" He asks. "My kinda party let's do that one." He writes it down. "Right on bro." "Look dude, you figure out the list. I'll see ya tonight. I'm gonna go rest my head." "Hope ya feel better in time for tonight." "I'm playin' either way." I say, standing up. "See ya tonight." I head back to the stateroom and collapse into bed, exhausted.

*In his dream*

I open the door to my stateroom. A man and a woman were making out. They had really old 50s style clothes on. The guy stood up, looking worried. Man this headache is getting worse. I hear a girl crying. I turn around and gasp in surprise seeing the girl from before, only without the injuries. She dropped a bracelet and took off running. "I guess that was the boyfriend." I mutter shaking my head. The guy runs right through me, sending a shiver down my spine. "It's almost as if.... I'm the ghost."

*He wakes up*

Well now I know the gist. But what happened to the girl? What were those letters? What happened after she left? So many confusing questions. I groggily walk down the hallway and come into a ballroom kinda place. There was a booth set up with a guy in his 70s, passing out autographed books. "This story has vivid description about this ship's mighty past." Hm. This could help me. "Are you like a member of the crew?" "I was one of the first passengers." He says. "I've been on every voyage this ship has ever set sail on!" What?! Why?! I keep that to myself and buy a book. For some reason, I've got an odd feeling about this guy. I flip through the book and my jaw drops in shock. There's a black and white picture of the dude in my dream! "Who is this guy?" I say pointing to the picture. "Oh That's Drake Ismay. A famed engineer back in the 50s. He's on board actually." Whoa. "He helped keep her runnin' back in the days of coal." "Do you know where I can find him?" He tells me his room number. I nervously head back to mine. Something tells me this guy knows what happened to the girl. "You have returned!" I freeze in surprise. The girl. She has the marks on her forehead. "Um... Uh I'm not who you think I am!" I say, worried. "Oh Drake! I've waited so long! I knew you'd come back for me!" She gasps, the bracelet is jingling on her wrist. She sees me staring at it. "I know. I dropped it. How silly of me. But it's okay. I found it. You don't have to be mad." "I... I'm.. You've got the wrong guy. I'm not Drake." I gasp. "Why of course you are. We can pick up right where we left off." Oh man. "I'm sorry ma'am but-" She takes the bracelet off and puts it in my hand. Then suddenly she turns enraged. "YOU WILL REGRET HURTING ME LIKE YOU DID DRAKE!!!!!" She screams, the mirror shatters. I cover my ears. Then she disappeared. To my shock, I'm still holding the bracelet. "I've got to talk to Drake." I whisper breathless.

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