Babies On The Brain

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Jason's pov

"We go way out where there ain't nobody we turn this cornfield into a party!" I was listening to Luke record for his newest album. I like this song. I know it'll be a hit. His phone buzzed. I glanced at it to see a text from Sierra saying they needed to talk. Oh shit. That's never good. I'll wait til he finishes though.


I show him the text and he sighs. "Aw man, I betcha it's about Caroline. My ex." "What about her?" "She's uh still got feelings for me.... And well I kinda do too." My eyes go wide. "But I haven't done anything. I have to figure out what to do with Sierra first." "But you're married to Sierra I thought you loved her!" "I do.. I'm just tied... Ya know. I like 'em both." "Oh man this is gonna be a shitstorm I don't wanna get mixed up in." I mumble, shaking my head. I head back home and smell cinnamon rolls. "That smells great." "Nuh uh mister. They're for the Christmas party at church tonight." "I didn't even know we were going to that." She shrugs. "Lauren called needing more desserts so I guess we are." "I better get my suit on then." She nods so I go upstairs and put on my church suit. I haven't worn this in a while. We really need to get back into going to church.


Oh Luke and Sierra are here. I wonder what he's gonna do about her. My girl was helping in the kitchen and Thomas walked over. "I didn't know your wife baked." "Yeah it's somethin' she got into when she got pregnant. Her cravings and all." "Well she's damn good. Have you tried the cinnamon rolls?" "I uh I haven't tried anything yet." I'm worried about Luke. I kept an eye on him. I hope he doesn't cheat on Sierra. Lauren grabbed my shoulder. "Hey Jason, mind setting out food?" "Uh yeah sure." I was helping the girls and I lost track of Luke. Oh well. Nothing I can do right now.


I escaped the kitchen and walked outside to catch a breather. I never knew how hot kitchens get. I walked by the kids class and they were making their own nativity scenes. I sure missed church and I definitely want our son or daughter to be raised in church. I put my hands on my hips and walk to my truck. I was about to get my camera when I heard laughter. "Dammit Luke you better not be doing what I think you're doing." I whisper, following the laughter. It was him but thankfully it was Sierra. He wasn't cheating on her. That'd be really shitty especially on Christmas and at church.

*a few days later*

"Ya know what would be an awesome Christmas present?" Miranda whispers. "What?" "Having the baby on Christmas. What do you think we should name her?" I laugh. "How do you know it'll be a girl?" "Cause I got a feelin'. You wouldn't be disappointed if it was a girl?" "No. I was just messing with you before." Although it'd be pretty cool to have a kickass mini me. "Well you could still get your wish. Christmas is a couple months away and you're due in three months." "Ok Jay I'm giving in. Next appointment we're doing an ultrasound to see the gender." "Thank God." I gasp. She laughs. "It's driving me nuts not seeing the baby."

*one week later*

*in his dream*

My little daughter Sophia ran over with a blue bow in her hair. "How's my little princess?" I ask picking my three year old up. "Daddy Sam won't leave me alone." She whines. "Well let's go teach him a lesson."

*he wakes up*

My breath catches, my hands tighten into fists. "My little girl." I whisper shakily. "My little girl."

A Missed ConcertNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ