Bad Blood Between Brothers

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Miranda's pov

We go back into the party. Where are Sierra and Rachel? I shrug it off and get something to drink. Jason's hanging out with Luke. I start looking for my friends.

Jason's pov

"It was true." His eyes go wide. "I knew it! That damn bastard!" He gripes, punching his fist. "The thing that freaks me out is this whole time she blamed herself." He stares at her, looking upset. "What happened between you two?" "Nothing really happened. We just realized we didn't belong together." I shrug and wave then head to find her. She's talking with one of her friends. The blonde one. Sierra I think. I walk over to her. "I was thinkin' about heading hone early. Do y'all wanna stay here or I could drop you off." "Sierra and Rachel are gonna stay. But I'm getting tired." I notice Rachel is hanging out with Tully. Hm. Sierra waves and we go back out to my truck. I start driving to her house when she says, "Earlier you asked if I wanted to move in with you." "Yeah." "If the offer still stands, my answer is yes now." I smile. "Of course the offer stands silly. We'll get your stuff and go back to my place." She smiles. "Sorry about before... It's just-" "I understand. You don't have to apologize for what that asshole did to you." "It's weird. You're the first guy not to leave after finding out what happened." I glance over at her. Why would the others leave? It doesn't make sense! What's wrong with people nowadays?

Miranda's pov

I pack my clothes and stare out the window. A week ago, I was lonely, freaked out, and scared. Now, I have someone who cares about me again. I know it won't go bad either. "Knock knock." I jump in surprise, pulled from my thoughts. "Ready to go?" I nod and pick up my suitcase. "Here I got it, sweetheart." He says, making me smile. He takes the suitcase and puts it in his truck, staring at the ground. "You okay?" I ask. "Yeah. I'm fine. We oughta get going if we wanna beat the traffic." I smile and we drive to his house.

Jason's pov

I put the entertainer award on the shelf and look at it admirably. Finally entertainer. "Hey Jason, your friend is here!" Friend? What friend? I walk out and see it's my twin brother Mason. I roll my eyes annoyed. What's he doing here? "That's not my friend. That's my brother, Mason." Luckily we're not identical so he doesn't look like me. "What are you doing here, man?" "I watched the awards tonight." I cross my arms annoyed. "And?" "Well, you won entertainer! Aren't ya gonna celebrate?" "I already did. What do you want? I know it isn't to congratulate me." I grumble, glaring at him. He sighs. "Ugh you know me too well, brother." "Yeah, why don't you try swindelling someone else." "I can't. No one will listen to me!" I laugh fakely. "Well neither is this Georgia boy. Ya might as well keep moving." "Come on, we're family! I just need a place to stay for the night." I stare at him suspiciously. "Okay, one night. But no tricks." "Of course not."


Miranda's pov

"I didn't know you had a twin brother." I say, changing into a night gown. "Yeah I try not to associate with him. He's just a trouble maker. Obviously I don't want that shown in the paparazzi." "He must be an ass then." "A trickster, a theif, a rude selfish jerk! I can't stand him. He tricks people to get what he wants. I worked my ass off to get where I am today." I lay down in the bed. "Sorry hun, I didn't expect this to be our first night together." "Oh well, it's just one night. He'll be out of our hair tomorrow." He sighs. "I hope so."

*later that night*

Huh? What's that noise? I wrap a robe around myself and walk out. "Jason?" I call. There's a light on down the hall so I open the door slightly. Huh? "Mason? What are you doing?" He spins around, hiding something behind his back. "What are you hiding behind your back?" I ask, suspiciously, remembering Jason's warning. "Uh... Nothin'. Just seeing Jason's awards." I cross my arms. "Seeing or stealing?" He starts to sweat. "Jason!" I shout. Seconds later, a very disoriented cowboy stumbles into the room with a pistol gripped tight in his hand. "What's going on?" He mumbles. "Mason is trying to steal your awards." "What?" He rubs the sleep from his eyes. "Mason! Put them back!" He snaps angrily. "I... Uh..." "I knew you were up to no good!" He grabs the award. "You tried to steal my entertainer!? Get the hell out!" Man there is some bad blood between those two. Mason leaves and Jason returns the awards to the proper places. "Man, you weren't kidding when you said he's a trouble maker!" I gasp. "Nope. He's been like this since we were kids. Doctor said he's a klepto whatever that means." My eyes go wide. "Klepto? Like a kleptomaniac?" He's still partially tired. "Yeah I think that's what he said. I'm going back to bed. I'm exhausted." A kleptomaniac is someone who steals stuff for no reason. They can't control it without medicine. I shrug it off and yawn. Ugh I'm beat too. By the time, I get back he's already asleep. I take the pistol out of his hand and he jolts awake. I smile. "I wish he wasn't such a jerk." He mutters, putting the gun away. I lay back down beside him. "Let's just get some sleep." I say, closing my eyes.

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