A Time Skip

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*a few years later*

Sam is 12 years old now.

Jason's pov

Sam had some friends over and they were playing in her room. I had just gotten back from the studio. "I finished the album!" I announce. Miranda struggled to get off the couch. I laugh softly and help her up. She pops her back and runs her hands on her four month pregnant stomach. "My oh my they're getting heavy." I smile and hold her hand. "You boys behave in there." I say, patting her tummy lightly. "Sam, get ready to go, we're all going to Chuck E Cheese's!" Silence. "They've been up there almost all day." I walk up the stairs and open her door. My heart almost stops seeing Sam and her friends playing with a Ouija Board!! "SAMANTHA GRACE!" I shout shaking in my boots. I grab the board and snap it in half, beyond worried and looking around the room. "What's wrong with you?!" She yells. "Ouija Boards are evil! What the hell were you doing?!" "I was trying to talk to uncle Mason!" She yells, shoving me and running out of the room. I am not having my daughter conjure a demon. I toss the damn board away and tell the girls to call their parents. I angrily find Sam. "Those things are dangerous. I don't wanna ever catch you with one again!" "How're are they dangerous?!" I sigh and scrunch my eyes. "It's demon shit!" "B-But uncle Mas-" "Uncle Mason is gone!" "I used to be able to see him. Why can't I see him anymore?" I sigh sadly and hug her. "Because he's crossed over. He's at peace. I can't see him either honey." "I miss him." She whimpers. It's odd hearing her say that. She only knew him when he was a ghost. "We can keep his spirit alive by never forgetting. Got it?" She nods and I wipe the tears from her eyes. "Now buck up, kiddo. Mason didn't like to see his favorite niece cryin'." She smiles. "I love you dad." "I love ya too. Now let's go get dinner. Your brothers are seriously being a pain in mama's butt." She laughs. I hold her hand and we go to dinner. "Can I help you paint Mason and Max's room?" Sam asks. I smile and  nod. We're naming one of our twin sons after my crazy little brother. "I guess twins run in the family." Miranda whispers patting my hand and pulling me from my thoughts. "Fly high little brother." I whisper, kissing her hand.

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