Twin Camp

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Jason's pov

We were waiting in the waiting room for a doctor to check Mason out, see if he can give him some medicine. "Supposedly you have to take pills to stop kleptos. I dont know." I mutter reading a pamphlet. "Why are we here? He's perfectly capable of going to the doctor's by himself." Miranda grumbles. I smile. "You know I have to keep an eye on him." I mutter. Tully calls me but I swipe ignore since the doctor walked out just then.


Miranda's pov

I was hanging with Rachel and Sierra when I heard Jason shout, "Mason, stop being a big baby! You said you wanted to stop! That means you have to take your pills!" I roll my eyes. "What's going on?" Rachel asks pointing. "Jason's trying to get Mason to stop being an asshole." I hear a punch and someone cry out in pain but I'm not sure who hit who. Rachel winces. "By the sound of it, it isn't working." I nod and walk over. "Hey guys. How's it going?" I ask. "Fine, get the fuck out!" Mason yells. "Don't you talk to her like that!" Jason yells, holding his fists down so he can't punch him. "Jeez! You two need to stop fighting. Jason you can't force him and Mason you shouldn't have asked for our help if you aren't gonna do what he says!" I gripe, leaning on the door frame. "Shut up bitch! You don't know shit!" He yells. "Why I oughta!" Jason growls about to punch him. "Jason I'm fine, cool it." He glares devil eyes at him and backs up. "Take your fuckin' pills Mason!" "I don't want to! Have you read the side affects!?" He yells angrily. I glare at the two then remember a camp my twin cousins went to. It's supposed to help twins be better with each other. "Fine. Fuck this. You don't wanna take 'em. I don't care!" He growls stomping out. "Wait, Jason!" I gap, grabbing his arm. I tell him about the camp. "Forget it!"

*2 weeks later*

Jason's pov

I'm so gonna get her for this. You can't come back til you learn to get along." I glare at the ground annoyed. "I hate your wife." Mason mutters. "Shut up." I say, walking to the big lodge like thing. There's tons of twins here. Why is it only twins? That's just weird. I walk up to the desk. "I uh my name is Jason and this is Mason, my brother. I'm not sure what we're supposed to do." "Oh the new arrivals. I'll go get Dr. Samuels." She says standing up. I glance at Mason. "Are you gonna at least try here?" I ask. "We can't go home til we do so I'm forced to." The girl comes back with a guy in a lab coat. "Dr. Samuels I presume?" He nods and extends a hand. "Jason and Mason?" I nod and shake his hand. "I'm Jason and that's Mason." I say, pointing over my shoulder at my idiotic brother. "Well follow me to your rooms." Mason groans in annoyance. "Please don't tell me we share a room?" He turns around. "No. In fact you'll sleep on the opposite sides of the resort." That's odd. I thought this was to help us become closer? "Good cause I shared a room with him for 8 years when we were kids. It gets old fast." I elbow him in the gut. "Shut up, dumbass." I gripe. "Please refrain from swearing. It's one of the very few rules here." That's gonna be hard since I'm so pissed right now. "What are the other rules?" Mason asks. We get to a building with a metal detector in the doorway. "No metal or electronic devices allowed inside. It messed with the machines." It makes sense. "When do we get our phones back?" I ask, clinging to it worriedly. It's my only communication to my girl! "When you're outside you can have it, but inside the building, you'll have to leave it outside in this safe." I guess that's okay. I set my phone down and take out all my metal. Mason does the same. He shows us to our rooms. "Mason, don't cause trouble here." I say, pointing at him. He flips me off. I roll my eyes and walk inside. A guy was folding clothes into a dresser. "Hey." I say, setting my suitcase down. He turns around and waves. "What's your name?" "Eric." I smile thinking of my friend back home who's name is Eric. "I'm Jason." He nods, continuing to fold. "Ya call top bunk yet?" He stays quiet. Weird. Whatever. I lay down on the bottom bunk just in case.


We go to the cafeteria for dinner. "I'm starved." I say, tiredly. "Me too. Man cafeterias makes me think of high school again." I laugh and nod. "Except no school bully waiting by the door to kick our butts." He smiles. "I'm glad we decided to fight together that day and stop letting that jerk pick on us." I smile and stand in line. "What'll it be boys?" "What do ya have?" I ask. She points to the menu. I gotta admit they got good food selection. "Catfish with fried okra and corn please." "Uh me too." Mason says. We get our food and there's some orange fruit too. "What's this?" "Hydrangea fruit. It comes with every meal here." "Oh thanks ma'am." I say, tipping my hat. We find a table. "I'm nervous about this stuff, Jay." Mason says glancing around. "Why?" "Dude, my roommate was super weird. He didn't talk hardly at all." Come to think of it, my roommate was the same way. I shrug it off though. "He was probably just a quiet guy." I say. I eat the fruit and it feels like a shockwave went through me. "That was weird." I mumble. "What?" He asks eating the fruit too. I watch to see if something happened to him too but if it did he ain't showin' it. I shrug it off, probably nothing.

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