One Embarassing Evening

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Jason's pov

It's really awkward between me and Luke now. It's just weird, since we both accidentally walked in on each other in bed with our women. "So uh... Luke... Do you um... Wanna hit the bar?" I mumble awkwardly. His face is still super red. "I guess so." He says, rubbing his arm. We tell our girls and head to the bar. I wanna put what happened behind us. "Dude, we're even. Can we just stop thinking about it?" I say. "I hate that it happened." He says. I down my beer. He takes shots of fireball whiskey.

*several alcoholic beverages later*

My mind is completely wiped. I drank way too much tonight so did Luke. But it's not awkward between us anymore. So that's a plus. "Man, I love you brother!" He drunkenly slurs, clasping my shoulder. I see three of him. "Whichever one is the real Luke I love you too bro." I get another beer and he gets a beer too instead of another shot. "My head is killin' me!" He gasps. "We did drink a lot." I say, sipping this one slowly. He laughs for no reason and falls out of his stool. I laugh and help him up. "Darts?" He asks, pointing. I nod and we walk over. This is too stupid. I'm seeing three of everything and attempting to do darts. I really shouldn't. "Go! Go! Go!" He yells. I struggle to get my vision correctly and throw the dart. Instead it hits the drink of some guy. "Uh oh!" I mumble, backing up. He stands up furious. "So sorry bro. I'll buy ya ten rounds!" I gasp, not wanting to get punched today. I'll already have a nightmare headache when I get home. "Ok." I give him the money for ten rounds and we decide not to do darts. Instead we hang out against the wall. The moon shining in through the window between us. "Damn boy I didn't realize how green your eyes are!" Luke gasps, putting a hand on the wall. "Yep they are green." I mumble, closing my eyes, tiredly. "Hey Jase being weird here but if you were gay who would you date?" I open my eyes again and look at him. "Hm, totally you man, you're my best friend and other than me you're the hottest singer in today's country." He laughs loudly. "Me for real?" I nod and tilt the bottle to my lips. "What about you?" I ask him. He sets his beer in the window sill and I do the same. "Probably you too." My eyes go wide. I don't know why but I didn't expect that. We lock eyes, his huge. Mine probably too. Then we both lean in and kiss. I close my eyes, my hands in tight fists. They flash open and I pull away. "LUKE!!" I yell! He opens his eyes. "Were we......?" I nod. "Eww!!!" I grab my beer and drink the rest of it down, trying to get the taste out of my mouth. I can't believe me and Luke just kissed. "I think we should go back to the buses." "You and me both man." We hail a cab and get back to the buses. I don't think I've ever been more embarrassed in my whole life. I kissed a guy! I kissed Luke! Or did he kiss me?! I don't know but I'm really fucked up right now. "Jay, what's wrong?" I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my girlfriend's voice. "Other than being so bad drunk that I'm seeing triple, I did something I'll regret for the rest of my life. Her eyes go wide. "Shit, please don't tell me you cheated on me at the bar!" She cries, her voice getting high pitched and worsening my already nightmarish head. "Well...." "I am so out of here!" She shouts but I grab her arm. "Wait! Listen!' I gasp desperate. "It wasn't some girl I swear!" "Huh?" My face is so hot right now. "Me and Luke got so drunk tonight." I mumble, covering my eyes. "What happened, Jason?" I sigh. "I kissed Luke tonight.... Or he kissed me.... I don't even know who kissed who. My mind is a total fog! All I know is me and Luke locked lips." This is way worse than him walking in on us together. "You're kidding?!" I shake my head. She surprisingly doesn't laugh. "Why aren't you laughing at me?" "I'd never laugh at you for somethin' like that! You're already embarrassed as it is." I don't know why but tears come to my eyes. Probably cause I'm so bad drunk. I hug her tight. "Thanks babe. Today was very traumatic." She grabs my hand and pulls me to the bedroom.


I stare at the ceiling breathing heavily. "Better?" She asks, also with rapid breathing. "Fuck yeah." I say, looking over at her. "You sure work miracles baby." She turn on her side and kisses me. I close my eyes and rest a hand on her shoulder, tucking the other one under her and pulling her to my chest. "God, babe, I don't know what I'd do without ya."

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