A Theft Of The Grooms

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Jason's pov

I was putting the finishing touches on my tux. Luke beside me. We decided to have a double wedding. "Hey Luke?" "Yeah?" "Who's goin' first?" He laughs. "Let's let the girls decide that." We both laugh then the door opens. I turn around but what I see pisses me off. Mason. "What are you doing here?" I grumble. "Just comin' to wish my brother luck on getting married." He says with fake innocence. I cross my arms watching his every move as he walks over. "I know you're BS'ing me. So what the hell do you really want? My wallet? My social security number? I'm really getting tired of dealing with your shit." He pats my and Luke's shoulders. "Congratulations to you both." He says instead. Then he leaves. That's weird. He didn't do anything. "Hey Jay," "Yeah?" "You're brother is really weird." "Don't remind me." I mutter.


I reach in my pocket for the ring. But it's gone?! "Uh..... The ring is gone!" I gasp, my hand shaking. "Huh?" She gasps. "It was in my pocket in the dressing roo- Dammit! Mason!" Luke checks his pocket too! "Mine's gone too!" "Dammit!" I gripe frustrated. "What is going on?!" Miranda gasps. "Stupid Mason came by when we were in the dressing room! He musta taken 'em when he patted our shoulders." I gripe, furious. "Where is he?!" Luke gapes. "Where's the nearest pawn shop?!"

Mason's pov

"Wow these are solid gold. Where'd ya get these?" I glance at the door. "My uh my wife left me so I don't wanna see 'em anymore." I lie, losing patience. "Oh sorry for your loss." I roll my eyes. "Come on man, how much for the rings?" He's about to reply when the door opens. Shit.

Jason's pov

I see Mason stiffen at the counter. "Give me back those rings Mason!" I shout infuriated. "So these are your rings?" The pawn shop owner says. I nod and walk to the counter. "He stole them. I'm getting married like right now so could I have them back?" He hands them over and Mason wants to strangle me right now. "You should be ashamed of yourself." The old man says. "He should be but he's not." I grumble, wishing he wasn't my brother. "Come on Luke."

Miranda's pov

I hate Mason. He's a douche. Sierra stands beside me with her arms crossed. "I hope they get the rings back." She says, worried. "I hope he kicks Mason's ass." I mutter angrily. The church doors open. "Got 'em." He said. Both Georgia boys walk over to the altar beside us. "Did ya kick your brother's butt?" I whisper. "I would have if I wasn't in a tux and getting married. That mattered way more than my Dumbass brother." He says, cupping my face in his hand. I smile. The preacher smiles too. "Repeat after me." He says. Jason smiles and nods along with Luke. "With this ring," He says. He looks right in my eyes, holding my hands. "With this ring," "I promise to love and to hold you." Jason repeats him instantly. "I promise the binds will never come undone." Again he repeats. Along with Luke. I feel the tears on my cheeks as I stand here with my fiancé. He slips the ring on my finger. "You're my one and only." He says, hugging me tight. "Do you Jason Aldean take Miranda Brown to love and to hold in sickness and in health til death do you part?" He's got tears in his eyes too which shocks me. "And after death." He whispers then says, "I do." "And do you Miranda Brown take Jason Aldean to love and to hold in sickness and in health til death do you part?" "Hell yeah!" I gasp, making the congregation laugh. He says the same for Luke and Sierra. "Then I proudly pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. And Mrs. Jason Aldean and Mr. And Mrs. Luke Bryan. You may kiss your brides." "Finally." He says, chuckling. He kisses me passionately and Luke kisses Sierra. I'm married to my best friend.

A Missed ConcertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora