Brothers For Life

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Jason's pov

I slowly open my eyes, a bright light shining in my face. "You're awake!" Miranda cries, hugging me. I smile and hold her tight. Mason stood behind her looking nervous. She stands up. "You two need to sit down and talk." Uh oh. She leaves the room and I sigh. "Where are we?" "We're back in Nashville." He says. I stare at him for the longest time. "Mason..... Did you really mean that? About being my shadow?" He shakily nods. "It's hard being the twin brother of a famous singer. Whenever our birthday rolls around, they hardly notice me. Nobody cares about me, not even mom and dad." "Yes they do, man. Mom and dad care about you!" I gasp shakily. He cries in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Jason. For everything! Making your life so much harder with my stupidity! I hope you can forgive me!" I am so shocked. Tears come to my eyes. I hug my brother. "Of course I can buddy. You're my brother."

Miranda's pov

I was pacing the room worriedly. Sierra and Rachel hug me. "Everything is gonna work out." I glance to their room. "I hope." I whisper, nervously. The door opens and the boys walk out smiling. Jason walks over and hugs me tight. "Baby thank you so much. You helped me and Mason become friends again." I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Oh Jason! I was so scared!" I gasp, hugging him. He kisses my forehead. "Nothing to be afraid of now." Mason makes a coughing sound. "Oh right." "What is it?" I ask, looking at both boys. "We're going back to project genome to rescue the other twins." My jaw drops. "I don't want you to go!" "I have to. And now me and Mason are a team. Working together!" They hug.

Jason's pov

"You ready for this?" I nervously ask. He stares hard at the building. "Let's do this." He holds a hand out to me. "Brother." I smile and shake his hands. "I'm proud to be your brother, Mason." That brings tears to his eyes. We sneak back into the lab. "I'm thinking we destroy the computer, we save the rest of the twins here." I whisper sitting in front of the computer. "Oh boys, you guys never learn!" Oh shit! Metal clamps around my hands and the chair slams into the wall. "Mason! It's up to you! Destroy the computer!!!"

Mason's pov

Oh my gosh! Jason!! "B-But what about you?!" I shakily ask. He struggles to pull his hands free then Dr. Samuels walks in. I take a terrified step back. "Do it!" He shouts. I look at my brother, the doctor, then the computer. What do I do?! Help Jason?! Or stop this psycho from taking over the rest of the twins!? I'm so scared. Jason shouts my name. "Huh?" I whimper worried. "Mason, I know you're scared, I can still feel it. I'm scared too. But it's up to you. I believe in you! I know you can do it! You wanna know why?!" I shakily nod. He smiles. "Cause you're my brother and there's no one I'd rather call that." Tears come to my eyes. Dr. Samuels walks over to Jason. That's it. I've gotta save my brother. "Yo doctor, over here!" I shout.

Jason's pov

He backs up and turns around to Mason! "What happens if I press this button doc?" He asks teasingly. I have got to break out of here!!! Just as I think that, Mason runs over with a pistol and shoots the metal. "Thanks bro." He smiles. "Couldn't be a team without my brother." He says, smiling. Mason goes back to the computer and Dr. Samuels tackles him. I grab a 2×4. I whistle loudly both of them look at me. "Hey Mason, time to prove mom and dad wrong." I say, smiling. I toss the 2×4 at him and he catches it one handedly like I would in baseball. "Hasta lavista, baby." He says smashing the computer with Dr. Samuels screaming No! I run over and he drops the plank as sparks shoot out of the computer. I smile and hug Mason. I finally have my brother back. "Hey Jason, I'm one lucky son of a bitch." I laugh. "Why do you say that?" "I got lucky enough to share a womb for nine months with the greatest guy on the planet. Then we shared a room for eight years." I smile and try not to cry. We stop walking. "And now I get to share a lifetime with my best friend." Tears come to my eyes. "Wow Mason, that means a lot to me!" I say. We walk out and all the mind controlled twins are super confused. "You're all free!" I shout. They cheer. "Hey Mason," "Yeah?" "Let's go home." He smiles and we go back to Nashville after seeing Dr. Samuels hauled away to jail.

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