wash x reader

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this one's for Your_Mercenary !!! hope you like it! I'm sorry it's kinda short. more updates soon! don't forget to request!

(takes place in Project Freelancer)

reader: neutral

Wash liked you. Everyone knew that. So when you asked him if you two could do some training together, he of course said yes. (even if it was said with a little surprised stutter) And when you told him that you would stop by his room around 5, he of course said okay. And when he realized his room was a complete and utter mess, he of course flipped out.

Cause a guy with a spic and span room is a guy you wanna be with, right? RIGHT?!

...Let's just he was a little stressed.

Maine, sitting on his top bunk reading a book, instantly started cackling once Wash went into hyper mode. This guy was bouncing off the walls. No joke.

Dirty clothes littered the floor! The dishwasher, with a bit of mildew from the time it was stagnant, reeked from the messy dishes! Wet towels matted the bathroom floor! The beds had their covers hanging off onto the floor! There was toothpaste stuck on the sink!!!

There was so much mess! And so little time! Stress overwhelmed Wash as he hurried to get this room in at least a decent appearance. Maine rolled on his bed as his hands gripped his stomach while he bellowed, and then increased his laughter once Wash gave up.

4:55. You were there. Always fashionably early as you liked to call it. But just as you were about to knock, you overheard Wash screaming at the top of his lungs.

Wash, who had dirty clothes balled up in his arms, suddenly threw everything to the ground in a frustrated fit, "FUCK IT ALL! WE LIVE OUTSIDE! AND WE EAT BARKS AND STICKS AND DIRT AND SHIT!" Maine couldn't stop cracking up, tears filling his eyes.

You covered your mouth with a hand, desperately trying to block the laughter from rolling out of your mouth. You knocked softly, taking deep breaths to stifle the giggles you knew would come out. Wash immediately answered the door, his hair a rugged mess.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" The Freelancer attempted a cheery greeting, trying to block out the cackling Maine in the background. "Uhm... hey," you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, your eyes trailing down to the floor. And that's when you noticed it. On his foot.


His dirty laundry must have gotten caught when he flung everything on the floor. Your eyes widened, and Wash followed your gaze down to his bare feet. You couldn't help but giggle, making Wash turn a bright red. When your laughter continued, the black and yellow soldier grew even more embarrassed and slammed the door.

"Awww, Wash!" You pounded on the door, your giggles interrupting your speech every now and then. "Come
on, open up!" You whined, pressing your back against the locked door. You began to slide down the entrance, puffing your lips like a horse after no response.

You racked your mind for things to say, anything that would convince him to open the door. Once a lightbulb struck in your brain, a smirk appeared on your face, "Hey, don't worry about it! I uh... I have some cat underwear, too." The door unlocked after a few seconds, sending you tumbling backwards with a surprised yelp.

Wash looked down at you, towering over you as you stared back up at him. "You do?" He asked hopefully, and you nodded with a smile. "Yep," you got to your feet with a spring in your step, "And maybe if you're lucky, you'll get to see 'em one day." You quickly kissed his nose, which almost made the poor soldier faint.

His cheeks instantly turned a hot red. You rolled your eyes, taking him by the hand as you pulled him out of the doorway.

"Let's just go train."

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