ohio x wash

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~requested by AgentOhio53 i really hope you like it!
~prompt: it's st. patrick's day and ohio lovesss to drink!


"I don't drink," Wash raises his voice so it could be heard over the music. Ohio furrowed her brow, swaying in her seat just a little bit, "Whaaaaat?" She couldn't understand how someone couldn't drink alcohol... What kind of world is this?!

Wash actually kinda enjoyed his best friend being drunk; she actually talked instead of being her usual shy and quiet self. And he had to admit... she looked kinda hot. Her black hair curled down her back, and her dark green maxi dress made her blue eyes stand out.

"Yeah, I prefer water," David smirked a bit, watching as Ohio's face contorted with confusion. "You're weird," She mumbled, finishing up her shot of vodka. The black haired woman slapped the bar, signaling for the bartender to give her yet another shot.

"Don't you think you've had enough," Wash lifted an eyebrow, becoming slightly concerned with the state she was in. "Psh, yeah right," Ohio rolled her eyes, nodding to the bartender once he handed her a glass of clear liquid.

Wash sighed, chuckling as he observed the party around him. "Ow!" He cried, rubbing his arm immediately once a sharp pain hit it abruptly. "What the hell was that for?" He turned in his bar stool to a giggling Ohio, who looked like she was up to no good.

She leaned into his ear, her breath smelling of heavy alcohol, "You're not wearing green, silly goose." Her voice sent a shiver down his spine, but he straightened up immediately so she wouldn't notice. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Wash waved a dismissive hand at her, taking a sip of his sparkling water.

It was St. Patrick's day after all. And he wasn't wearing any green. But he didn't care. He thought the holiday was just an excuse to get drunk and wear green for a day and pinch people and throw awful parties. Woop-dee-fuckin-doo.

When he set down his drink, Wash seemed to notice Ohio sitting a little too close to him. He blew a short whistle, scooting a little in the opposite direction. Yet Ohio moved closer once again. Wash sighed in defeat, avoiding eye contact with her while she stared him down.

Her whisper met his ear again, "I'm crazy about you." Wash froze. D-did she just say that?! No, no. It's the alcohol talking. Don't let that fool you. Wash rolled his eyes, scoffing a bit, "Very funny." Ohio giggled, hiccuping a little as she did so, "Ya know, the alcohol ain't doin' all the talkin'."

His throat tightened and he knew he had to get her outta there. "Alright, I think we've had enough of the party life for one night," He groaned, lightly grabbing her elbow to drag her away from the bar. She whimpered when she was forced to leave her vodka, but reluctantly followed Wash.

Ohio giggled as she hugged his arm, nibbling on his ear as they made their way through the crowd. "Stop that," he narrowed his eyes at her, desperately trying to hide his blush. Ohio frowned, poking her lower lip out as she kissed his cheek as an apology.

"Ohio," Wash groaned, worried that his friends would see him "flirting" with her. They pushed their way through the crowd, elbowing past all the dancing people. The place smelled of alcohol, which made Wash want to leave even more.

"Come on, Wash! Let's dance~," Ohio whined, putting the brakes on. Wash stopped, switching his feet impatiently. "Ohio, I really don't think we sh-"


Wash sighed, looking around awkwardly not wanting to make a scene with the girl. "Fine. One. Song," he hissed, rolling his eyes as he fully turned to face her. She smirked in victory, softly swaying her hips to the beat of the music.

Wash took a quick glance around before he started dancing. The messy room had empty bottles laying on the floor, waiting for someone to trip over them. (he almost was a victim) The people all had that hazy look in their eye, and he wondered if he was the only sober one there. Green streamers hung from the bar's ceiling, and tons of guests wore those god awful hats and neck ties.

Looking around made him hate the holiday and this place even more, that is until he placed his eyes on her. Ohio.

Her arms rested above her head, and her hips swirled in beat with the pounding music. Her curly hair bounced around her shoulders, and her eyes closed in relaxation. All of the sudden... this party wasn't so bad to Wash.

His instinct was to place his hands on her hips, and when he did a smirk appeared on his face. Pulling her closer, Wash started to move his body with hers. And when a few moments passed, he was surprised to find himself laughing... Washington was actually having fun.

Ohio noticed this too, because now her body seemed to be pressed more against him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They let the music take them over. Wash's hands scattered up her curves, his breathing hitching when Ohio pressed her lips to his neck.

"Let's take this somewhere else, shall we?" Wash smirked into her ear, her sudden affection driving him crazy. He didn't care if this was just the alcohol talking, because maybe it wasn't. All he knew for sure is that he wanted her.

And that led up to them pressed against each other in the bathroom, with the door locked and the booming music muffled through the walls. Their lips smashed together, and their hands explored each other's bodies. Wash smiled against his best friend's lips, not wanting their night to ever end...

I guess you could say St. Patrick's day was now his favorite holiday.

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