north x reader

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this one's for Crazysillybunny I hope you like it!!! sorry if it sucks lol me and my midnight writing *shrug*


reader: neutral

"Wakey, wakey!" You flick on the light to North's containment cell, earning an annoyed groan from your boyfriend. Well, you say containment cell because he's been sick for about a week now with the flu. And you didn't want to catch that nasty thing so now he's living in the guest bedroom.

And anyone whose sick needs a doctor, right?


Sooo... that doctor is you.

God, you were having a good time. Seeing North all sniffly and his voice all raspy and congested! It was so cute!

And usually it was him who would do all the lovey dovey "let me take care of you" sort of thing, so it was good for a change.

"You've been sleeping for 16 hours!" You gawked, handing him his pill with a small glass of water. North weakly swallowed the large antibiotic and gulped down the tap water. "That's cause I'm dying. Slowly," he sassed, coughing weakly into his fist.

"Oh, don't be such a baby!" You fluffed his pillow, tucking the covers under his chin even more. "You know, you don't have to do this whole doctor thing," he raised his eyebrows as a sort of indication to something.

"Oh, but I love it!" Then you let out a gasp, "You know what would make this complete?!" North groaned, running a hand down his tired face, "No telling." You squealed in excitement, "A stethoscope!!!"

"What?" A sense of worry and dread filled North's eyes and you weren't sure why.

"Yeah! I can check your heart beat, your pulse, and the congestion in your lungs! It'll be great!!!" You then bolted out of the room before your boyfriend could refute.


"Doctor (Y/n) will be seeing you now," you poked your head into his room, acting as if you were a secretary. North rolled his eyes and scoffed, before you walked into the room with a white coat you found behind all your shoes in your closet and a stethoscope around your neck.

North couldn't help but smile.

"Mr... North, is it?" You looked him up and down, placing a hand on his head to check his temperature. Your boyfriend groaned, swatting your hand away ferociously, "Stop that!"

"You seem to be in good shape, Mr. North," you nodded, like you were proud of your observations. North rolled his eyes for the millionth time.

"But," you held up a finger, slowly strutting your way towards North, "you need more exercise!" You crawled onto the bed, sitting down across your boyfriend's waist.

Bending down so that you were inches apart, you flirtatiously challenged, "Did you know that kissing is a form of exercise, Mr. North?" North had his hands on your hips by now, and as soon as those cheesy and stupid words rolled off of your tongue, he followed your lead.

You smirked into his lips, humming slightly before pulling away. "Oh, I almost forgot!" You squealed, attaching the stethoscope to your eardrums. North glared up at you, "You've got to be kidding me."

"Come on! I wanna fulfill this doctor dream of mine!" You whined, putting on your best puppy dog eyes for him. North bit his lip, tapping his finger rapidly on the bedspread.

"Why are you so worried about a little stethoscope, anyways?" You laughed, reaching with the contraption for his chest. "Get away!" He teased, tickling your ribcage in order for you to stop your actions. "Never!" You prevailed, plummeting for his heart with your doctor tool.

"(Y/n)!" He warned, trying to swat your hands away from him. "Oh, come on! You're not even sick, anymore! What's the worst that could happen?!" You giggled through your yells, desperately trying to get past his line of defenses.

North began to "cough" between words, "I'm - still - sick! - What are - you - talking about?! - -" You threw your head back, laughing at his attempt to trick you, "Oh, shut up!"

After a few more tries and giggles, your mission to hear his heartbeat was successful! But once you placed the stethoscope on his chest, North slumped with a sense of defeat and dread. Your brow furrowed as you listened to his heartbeat.

bumb bumb bumb bumb
bumb bumb bumb bumb

You reared back, astonished at what you heard, "Holy shit, babe! Why is your heart beating so fast?! Are you okay?! You're not that sick, are you?!"

"N-no, it's just-," North stuttered, clumping his bedspread in his hands. "Do you need some water? Maybe some more oranges?" You intervened, tilting my head as you tried to figure out what was wrong.

"No, it's j-just-," North avoided all eye contact you tried to make with him as he fumbled over his words in a nervous manner. "It's just what?!" You pressed on, desperate for the answer. North finally raised his eyes to yours, and a small smile spread across his lips.

"...It's just you."

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