york x reader

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requested by _Agent_Virginia_ hope you enjoy!!! i had so much fun writing this X3

reader: feminine

"Ugh," you tapped your foot impatiently, looking at your watch again for the millionth time. He was supposed to be here by now!

He said 6:30...

Well, it's 6:50.

He's just late! You kept telling yourself. Yeah, traffic is probably really awful!

"Are you ready to order yet?" The waitress who has asked that same question 6 times now showed you a small smile, trying to make her voice sound as polite and patient as possible. You shook your head, returning the smile, "No, not quite yet." She nodded understandingly and retreated back to the kitchen.

Your smile faded once her back was turned, and you puffed your lips like a horse. You ran your finger around the rim of your water glass, the condensation already soaking the white table cloth. You kept glancing at the door, hoping your date would rush into the fancy restaurant and smile upon seeing you... But, no.

Your douche of a boyfriend wasn't going to show up.

You were beginning to get those apologetic looks from strangers with their own dates, averting their eyes whenever you noticed. You wanted to puke. And cry. And scream. Why wasn't he here? Why did he show you up after creating a reservation at one of the most expensive restaurants in town?!

Just as you were about to get up and leave with tear flooding your eyes, a stranger whom you've never even seen before sits down across from you. "I'm so sorry I'm late, babe!" He explained loudly, before quietly adding, "I'm York. Just go with it, okay? Whoever didn't bother to show up is a dick." You were shocked, but sat back down with a grateful smile. "Traffic was a killer, let me tell you," he boldly stated, glancing at the tables around you.

You giggled at his volume, motioning him to quiet down. He smirked at you across the table, sipping the water glass that was meant for the jerk that was a no-show. "Thank you," you thankfully sighed, slumping your shoulders with relief. He waved a dismissive hand in the air, laughing, "I should be thanking the dickwad. I mean, he landed me a date with the hottest person in here. Talk about wingman."

You blushed, moving a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear. You couldn't believe what was happening. This stranger, a super cute brunette with the foxiest grin around, saved you from one of the worst nights of your life. You thanked God for this kind gift.

"So, enough about this cockbite. I wanna hear about you," he rested his elbows on the white table cloth, leaning in as if he wanted a better view of you. You laughed as you glanced around the restaurant, worried that his foul mouth might be heard. But, no one seemed to care... and frankly neither did you.

"Well, for starters, I'm (Y/n)," you smiled, watching him as he gazed at you with interest. "Hot," he immediately responded, and you threw your head back laughing. "Will you stop?" You chuckled, taking a sip of your tap water. "Stop what?" York raised his eyebrows, throwing his hands in the air as a defense. "Stop making me blush," you admitted, covering your flushed red cheeks with your hands.

"Well~... I am your date, so~ it's kind of my job," he flashed you a grin, shrugging his shoulders as if he was sorry. You couldn't help but giggle, and you nodded your head while rolling your eyes playfully, "Mhm, whatever."

The rest of the night was filled with laughs, smirks, winks, and a lot of drinks. You were surprised at the amount this guy could drink, yet still seem like the sober guy he was when he sat down. It was a skill.

You both strutted out of the restaurant, your arm linked with his elbow. "Well, Mr. York," you stopped to turn and face him, "This is the best non-planned date I've ever had." He chuckled, nodding an agreement. "Well, how about next week it's the best planned date you've ever had?" He raised an eyebrow, taking your hand in his.

You felt your cheeks heat up and you bit your lip. God, how could you say no?

"Well, I guess I do owe you one," you smirked, pecking him on the cheek, "It's a date."

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