felix x reader (part 2)

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"Felix!" You whined as you stared in disbelief at the costume he had hanging up on his closet door, "There is no way in hell that I'm wearing that."

To match Felix's cop uniform, he picked out a costume for you. Hanging on the doorframe was a prisoner outfit. And not like the ones you see with chains around your ankles and your hands tied.

Oh, no.

This went against everything you hated about this holiday.

There was a mid-drift in the outfit, causing the top and bottom sections of the costume to split. You already knew by the look of it that it was a size too small, so it would be hugging your figure and squeezing the literal crap out of your features. The skirt of the black and white stripped uniform was way too short to even cover your mid-thigh.

You wanted to puke.

"Come on! You'll look so fucking sexy!" He exclaimed, picking the outfit off of the doorframe and holding it up to your body. "I'm gonna look like an idiot," you scowled, shoving it away from you.

"Well," Felix shrugged, "Unless you wanna wear your pajamas... I don't think you have another option." You gritted your teeth, tapping your foot impatiently as you thought about your two options.

"Give me the damn costume," you snatched it out of his hands, marching into the bathroom and slamming the door. "Aw, you're not gonna put it on in front of me?!" You heard Felix scream, amusement filled in his tone.

You picked up a bar of soap that laid on the sink, opening the door and chucking it in the direction of his complaints.



"This goes against everything I stand for," you grumbled to Felix as he walked you to the front door of the raging party, "But, I have to admit that we look hot as hell."

"And, as soon as we get home, you can take that thing right off," your boyfriend circled his arms around your waist from behind you, kissing the side of your neck softly. You giggled before a guy ran across the front yard in a gorilla suit.

"What the fuck?" You crinkled your brow, watching as he screamed at the top of his lungs, "DICKS OUT FOR HARAMBE!" You facepalmed immediately, shaking your head as he continued to cross the lawn.

"I'll get my dick out for something else," your boyfriend mumbled in your ear, making you gasp as he grabbed your ass. "Felix!" You scolded, hitting him playfully on the side of the arm.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop," he rolled his eyes, waving his hands dramatically in the air. You hummed a thank you, twirling around and opening the door to the raving house.

You felt Felix squeeze your ass again, making you squeal and glare at him behind your shoulder. "Prick," you mouthed, turning your scowl into a fake smile as you saw your acquaintances.

After five minutes of walking around and ignoring the stares of many friends and strangers, you noticed Felix wasn't following you around. You scanned the room, looking for your cop.

You shrugged, deciding to stroll over to the punch bowl that was filled with fake eyeballs and gooey intestines. Guys dragged their eyes up and down your body, and girls either gave you winks or absolute looks of disgust.

You sipped your punch in the corner of the room, pulling out your phone and rapidly texting Felix to come find you.

You hated parties.
You hated Halloween.
You hated people.
You hated the costume.

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