tex x church

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YASSS FINALLY SOME CHEX UP IN HERE! XD requested by FreelancerGabbitron sorry this was a bit late X(

(takes place in Blood Gulch)

Tex snickered as she crept into the room that her and Church shared. It was St. Patrick's day. And someone didn't have any green on.


"Ow!" Church yelped, rubbing his arm as he twirled around to face her.


"What the hell are y - STOP IT!" The cobalt soldier grew aggravated, which made Tex smirk even more. "You're not wearing any green," she hissed, pinching her boyfriend again.

"That's cause I haven't even gotten dressed, you asshole!" He growled, clenching his fists angrily. It was true, after all. Church just got out of the shower, and had a towel around his waist. His hair was still a bit wet, and the heat from his shower radiated off of him.

Tex chuckled, biting her lip as she took a step closer to him, "You say that like it's a bad thing." Church's face muscles contorted, confused by what she just said. Is Tex actually... flirting with me?!

"Well - I - uh - I - I don't think it is," he was genuinely surprised by this sudden invitation. Usually it's him getting a lucky score every once in a while. She never made the first move.

"...Well, I do," her flirty attitude changed into a mischievous one. She smirked as she caught him off guard, and bombarded his body with pinches... He knew it was too good to be true.


His yelps just made her giggle more as he desperately tried to swat her hands away. "YOU'RE NOT WEARING GREEN!" She screamed, laughing along the way.

It had turned into an all out pinching fest, and Church had officially joined the competition. "I'M WEARING GREEN, BITCH!" Tex pointed to her camo leggings, her scoff releasing after Church ignored it and pinched her again.

"You want me to change that?" Church huskily whispered into her ear, smirking after she shivered. Not letting him take her over, Tex growled and pushed Leonard to the wall, "You wish."

"You're right," he mumbled before Tex smashed into his lips, and Church's hands instantly went around her lower back as he grinned. Tex racked her fingers through his hair, biting down on his bottom lip to symbolize a "pinch".

Church winced at her nip, but became more turned on as she did so. He moaned into her lips, picking up Allison by her thighs and spinning her around. He pinned her to the wall, running his hands up and down her thighs as they exchanged salvia.

"Leonard," she moaned, rubbing her hands around his toned chest. Church just wasn't content with what he was experiencing and wanted more. The cobalt soldier wrapped an arm around her back, and one hand stayed on her thigh.

Throwing her on his bed, Church immediately pounced on top of his girlfriend. Tex was tired of being controlled, and decided to take matters into her own hands. Flipping spaces, Tex smirked at she straddled Church's waist.

Sneering up at her, Leonard knew he wasn't going to win the dominance fight. I mean, come on. This is Agent Texas.

Getting hungry for that something more, Church got on his elbow to meet lips with Tex. She smirked as she ran her fingers along his collarbone, her surprisingly light touch making Church quiver.

Church started to slip off her leggings, squeezing her ass as he did so. She gasped against his lips, and then separated from him to send kisses down his bare chest. Church moaned, laying back down on his bed to enjoy the sensation.

And then, all of the sudden, a certain blue idiot barged into the room and turned as pale as a ghost at what he saw.


haaaaa you thought you were getting a lemon. YOU THOUGHT! yeah, caboose just had to come and ruin Church's fun, like always. but, that's why we love him. :3 hope you liked it!!! see you soon!

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