locus x reader

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requested by changaming hope you like it! btw, there will definitely be a part two to this. enjoy!


reader: feminine

Felix wasn't right for you. He's scum. No, he's lower than that. He's the dog crap you can't get off your shoe no matter how much you scrape it across the ground.

Locus knew this before you two even started dating. You were all close. The three of you had been partners throughout the war, and have kept in touch... Some more than others. But who knows. Maybe his judgement was cloudy since Locus has been deeply in love with you for four years now...

Nah, Felix was still a shitbag.

So when Locus saw you two holding hands across the white tablecloth and gazing into each other's eyes at his favorite restaurant, he got pretty pissed.

Like... really pissed.

The ex-war soldier growled behind his menu, narrowing his eyes over the rim. (he didn't want to risk you and your lover spotting him) Felix kissed your hand flirtatiously, and you giggled in response.

This night was supposed to be great!

Locus, considering all of his hard work from the past three months, decided to take himself out for a treat. He got all dressed up in his suit, matching his tie with his emerald eyes. His tangled dreadlocks were now in a neat bun. His musk cologne floated around him in a sort of bubble.

He just wanted to have a nice time, alone. Without any disturbances or complainers or slackers or mistakes or fuck-ups... He just wanted to eat his Scampi Linguini in peace with his white napkin neatly laid across his lap with his 2 forks on the left and his spoon and knife to the right and his green tea cold but not too cold, if the waiter picks up what he's layin' down.

But, nooooo.

Felix just had to fuck this one up, too.

Just like he did everything else.

Locus gritted his teeth as he overlooked the both of you, jealousy flowing through his veins. He unintentionally snapped at the waiter when he asked the fine gentleman for his menu. And when the busboy came by to clean off the table next to him, Locus didn't even bother to bend down and pick up the fork he dropped.

Locus was too busy racking his brain with curse words and rants.

Felix doesn't deserve you! You're so beautiful and kind and giving and loving and caring and gorgeous and pretty and funny and sweet and perfect... Felix is just Felix. He was probably using you for sex or just so the guys that passed him on the street would look at him and say, "Aw, man. Dude, look! It's the guy with the insanely hot chick as his girlfriend!"

If Locus was sitting there instead of Felix, he would be showering you with compliments. Telling you how beautiful you look tonight, even though you look just as good as you always did. Telling you how much you mean to him. Telling you all of his feelings and desires. Telling you that he loves you...

Felix was nothing more than a con artist. He only cared about himself. Nothing else. You were his doormat. His play thing. His chew toy.

But, the more Locus thought about you and Felix... the more he started to wonder.

Felix is a cheapskate. He's stingy as all get out... So, why would he take (y/n) to such an expensive restaurant... Was it a special occasion? Did he get a promotion? Or is it... something else?

But just as Locus had started to come to a conclusion, the plan was already in action...

Felix was on one knee beside the table, opening a box with a huge diamond ring inside.

Locus felt his heart shatter.

You covered your mouth in surprise, tearing flowing down your cheeks.

The whole restaurant had turned their attention to the two now... Especially Locus. He couldn't look away.

Once you nodded yes, Felix slipped the ring on your finger before picking you up to twirl you around.

Locus felt tears well up in his eyes, but he didn't blink them away. Instead, Locus left. He didn't wait for the food or his drink even.

He tried his best to keep his head down to avoid you or Felix catching the sight of him. That was the last thing he wanted.

His lip quivered as he silently sobbed, pressing a fist to his mouth to stifle it. Tears crawled down his cheeks and he couldn't get a grip of himself...

Not when he had just lost his one chance of true happiness.

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