wash x alaska

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this one's an oc requested by Crystal_Clear_26 I hope you love it as much as I do!!!


"Fuck!" Alaska hurried into the driver seat, her briefcase spilling most of her papers out onto the floor of her garage. "Fuck!" She gathered the papers up in a messy pile, throwing them into the passenger seat.

She was late for the fifth time this month. Her boss was going to kill her.

Her hair was in a big, frizzy mess and her makeup was smeared from sleeping in it last night. The bags under her eyes were swollen and dark, not yet covered up by her regular cup of coffee. Her short, floral dress was wrinkly and she could've sworn she had forgotten her deodorant this morning.

Alaska put the stick shift in reverse, slamming on the pedal with a force she didn't know her body could muster. The tires screeched, and she didn't even care that it left black marks on her clean pavement.

She sighed with relief as she reared out of the driveway, pulling into the street without even glancing behind her. A sudden bump and jolt of her car made her freeze with fear, and Alaska immediately slammed on the brakes.

"Fuck," she groaned, hesitantly getting out of her car to see what she ran over. A blond-haired man laid on the asphalt, his leg bent at an awkward angle beside Alaska's tire. She ran over to him in horror, immediately placing her fingers on his throat to check his pulse.

"Fuck!" Alaska bit her nail, stomping her foot on the pavement in aggravation. It's one thing that she ran over a guy, but it's another thing when he's incredibly hot??? Life really sucks for Alaska today.

Her fingers waited for the double beat of his pulse, and she almost started crying tears of joy whenever she felt it. He was alive, but was knocked unconscious from the impact of falling onto the street.

The green-eyed girl exhaled with pure relief, running a shaky hand through her matted hair. Out of the corner of her eye, she spots something.

A rope. No, not a rope. A leash?

In the unconscious guy's hand was a leash. Alaska peered around the corner of her car, and almost jumped in surprise at the cat lying next to the man's feet. The feline was mostly gray, with white stripes stretching across its face in various patterns. The kitty couldn't have been older than a year.

The cat blinked at her, softly meowing when she reached out to pet it. Alaska smiled, scratching the kitten behind the ears. Who in the hell walks their cat on a leash? She raised an eyebrow, observing how the cat had a collar with a name tag attached to its neck.

~If found outside, please call.~
~David Washington~

She looked to the silent man, smiling as she moved the hair away from his face. You must be David, Alaska thought.

The cat flicked its tail in response to her finding out their names, and she laughed at how much personality this pet had. Alaska has always hated cats, but this one was starting to change her mind. She got so carried away with the adorable thing that she almost forgot about the injured man.

Alaska knew she had to get this guy to the hospital, but she didn't want to be late for her job! Her eyes switched from the cat to her open car door, and her mind raced with what the pros and cons were for each option.

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