maine x reader

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requested by the lovely bluebird156 I love Maine so much ugh the grumbly brute <3 enjoy (btw I made this Maine much more talkative than usual cause I feel like you're that special to him :3)


reader: neutral

"We are not lost," Maine insisted, his strong arms pushing aside tree branches as you stomped behind him.

"Right, so I guess we're just taking a romantic night-time walk in the forest?" You rolled your eyes, the sarcasm and bitterness clear in your tone. The brute glanced over his shoulder at you, shrugging in agreement.

You scoffed, "If we're not lost.... Where are we, then?" Maine hummed, scanning the forest around him. "Our car is just to the..." he trails off as the two of you enter a clearing that he most certainly did not recognize, "left."

You two had been on a road trip and decided to pull over to take some pictures. Pictures lead to walks and walks lead to tiring trudges through the pine trees.

You arched an eyebrow at him, but stayed silent. It was moments like this when Maine had to fight the urge to kiss the smirk off your lips. He should probably figure out where you two are, first.

"Have I mentioned that I love you?"

"Maine," you groaned, turning to face him at the edge of the clearing, "you are not getting away with this like that."

"I suspect I am," The brute refuted, stepping closer and closer to you. "And what makes you so sure?" You challenged, crossing your arms in a sassy sort of way.

He quickly closed the distance between you, and his lips pressed into your temple, his nose in your hair, his arm looping around your waist. "I love you," he repeats, the rumble of his voice so close to your ear that it sent pleasured shivers up your spine. Or maybe it was just the breeze that rushed past you.

"It's possible–" Maine hedges, pulling back far enough for your features to come into focus as best they could. God, but the moonlight on your hair and lips and the glint in your eyes made him never want to leave the forest.

"What's possible, Maine?"
"It's possible that we might be–"
"Lost?" you finished.
"No! Just... not completely aware of our exact location."
"You insisted five minutes ago that you were absolutely certain about where we were."

"I was." He picks up one of your hands and twines your fingers together, rubbing his thumb over your palm, "Five minutes ago."

"And then?" You pursed your lips, sucking on your teeth in annoyance. "And then I realized I wasn't," your boyfriend mumbled.

"Maine," you sighed, exasperated. Your boyfriend winced, suddenly afraid that you were genuinely mad. He tried to cover up being lost with some babbling.

"I think if we turn right here, and track our way back to the fallen log behind the... What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He paused his directions when he saw you smirking.

"Look behind you," you crossed your arms smugly, leaning your back against a tree trunk. Maine spins around, narrowing his eyes until they adjust sufficiently to the darkness of the tree line. He then sees... the road. "Ah. Did you–"

"–know the entire time?" You grinned again, and Maine thinks this time he's definitely going to have to kiss that smirk off your lips. "Of course," you answered, your eyes twinkling with confidence.

His teeth dig into his bottom lip, a grin of his own pulling at his features despite the slightly disgruntled set of his lips.
You laughed, and it would be worth getting lost a hundred times over for Maine to hear that sound, the pure joy in it.

"Have I mentioned that I love you?" you giggled, grasping one of his hands and pulling him towards the edge of the forest.

"Once or twice," he admits, chuckling. He stops you at the last cluster of trees for a moment, walking you back to a tree trunk with gentle fingers on your waist and pressing his smiling lips to yours, "but it's always nice to hear."

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