north x reader x york (part two)

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You pounded on York's door, your hands shaking terribly. Tapping your foot impatiently, you tried to squeeze the trembles out of them. It took a few moments before you heard the doorknob twist, and your eyes were locked with the brunette's.

"I thought you were going h-" York tilted his head at the sight of you, but you immediately interrupted him. Your lips suddenly attached to his and your hands cupped his cheeks. He stumbled backwards slightly, but he quickly regained his balance by gripping your hips to steady himself.

You two backed into his dorm, kicking the door closed behind you. Your hands roamed each other's body. York reached down to your thighs, scooping you off the ground and laying you on the bed.

Your dress slid up your sides, and when his kisses started to descend further down your body, your mind raced. All you could think about was North. His genuine smile, his shining eyes, the caring tone he had when he talked to Theta. You couldn't help but ask yourself why you were here... at York's quarters.

"Wait, wait," you sat up, frantically slipping your dress back down your thighs. York straightened up as well, a hurt look covering his expression. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me," you shakily ran a hand through your hair as you exhaled deeply.

"Um... Did I do something wrong?" He raised an eyebrow at you. "No. Not at all... It's just North," you admitted, fiddling with your thumbs.

You suddenly felt a tinge of guilt, maybe because you were about to get it on with a guy you were completely uninterested in but stopped to tell him your problems...

"What did he do?" York crinkled his brow, a concerned look pouring over him. It made you smile.

"I walked in on him feeling up some stranger... I've seen him with girls before. I don't understand why this suddenly made me want to...puke, or die or punch them both in the face. I don't know," you shrugged gloomily. "That's kinda unusual for North," the soldier speculated, and you frowned.

"Tell me about it," you mumbled as you leaned your cheek on your balled up first. "Did she seem like a nice girl?" York grimaced, making him laugh when you gave him a nasty look. "Sorry, not a time for jokes," he snickered.

With a smile on your lips, you chose to ignore him, "This girl was just like the other few I've seen. They aren't good enough for him, they certainly don't deserve-"

"And who is good enough for him?" York interrupted suddenly, an odd look in his eyes. You sputtered, "What?" The soldier shrugged, his mind churning, "I mean...if you could pick an ideal partner for North, who would it be? What makes these girls he rarely brings home so unworthy?"

You sat there, mouth agape, trying to come up with something to say, "I just...well..."

"Just a shot in the dark, (Y/n)..." York flashed you a smirk, seeming like he was putting a lot of thought into how he wanted to word himself, "But, did you ever consider that maybe it's because you're jealous?" You blinked, "Jealous?"

York showed you a sad smile, looking like he just finished a puzzle, "It's never bothered you before, or at least not as much, because these girls didn't mean anything to North. And frankly, you weren't ready for anyone to mean anything to you. But, now you're putting yourself out there and it's not working with anyone, because you don't want it to, and North suddenly has a girl at home. You're jealous, (Y/n)."


When you entered your quarters later that night, North was sitting on the couch alone. "(Y/n)-" He stood up at the sight of you.

"North, wait..." You put up a hand to silence your friend, "I want to apologize. I... I was totally unfair to you this morning and I shouldn't have treated you that way."

The soldier bit his lower lip, and you had the sudden urge to bite it for him...
"It's alright... I never should have raised my voice. That was uncalled for.... But... I've been thinking, maybe it's time I moved into a new dorm," North shuffled his feet nervously as he avoided your eye contact. "W-what?" Your heart sank, "Why would you-"

"I don't want you to be uncomfortable," North cut you off, running a hand through his messy hair. It looked like he was exhausted. You gazed at him sadly, opening your mouth to argue but he continued.

"Whether it's because of my guest last night or my occasional flirts... It makes you uncomfortable, and it's not fair to you. You were right," he sighed and nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"I guess it's wrong for me to bring girls over here when I know you're home. I don't have feelings for these people and I suppose I do it because I don't think I'll ever be able to find someone that I love as much as-" He suddenly paused, pressing his lips into a thin line as if to shut himself up. There was pain in his eyes.

"Nevermind, the reason wasn't important. The point is, I spent a lot of time wanting something I couldn't have, so I guess I over compensated," North mumbled, pushing past you to enter your bunk area, "I'm gonna ask the Director for a new room."

You swallowed hard, staring at North's back, "What do you mean you spent time wanting something you couldn't have?"
Your roommate turned, sighing, "I really don't want to make this any worse than it already is, (Y/n). Forget I said anything, alright?"

"No, I want to know," you insisted firmly, walking quickly to meet him, "You didn't think you'd find anyone you love as much as who, North?" You two were standing face to face now; Inches apart and both breathing heavily from the overwhelming emotions. The soldier shook his head, "It doesn't matter. Let it go, (Y/n)."

"I can't!" you shouted, actually causing the man to flinch in surprise, "I can't just let it go, because the reason I can't seem to make it work with anyone else is because I will never find anyone that I love as much as I love you!"

As the words escaped you, you felt the tightness in your chest ease slightly. Suddenly, years worth of feelings you had kept repressed flooded over you.

You loved North.
You had always loved North.
You were kissing North.
Or North was kissing you.

Honestly, you weren't sure which one of you had closed the space between you. But, it didn't matter because it was happening. Your hands were everywhere, tongues sliding against each other, breath coming out in short, desperate gasps.

North wrapped his hands around your back, spinning you around and pinning you against the door to your bedroom. You broke the kiss only to mumble, "God, I love you. Please don't leave..."

Your chest rose and fell rapidly, and your lips smashed into his a second after you rolled the words off your tongue. After a moment, he pulled away to laugh breathlessly, "I love you, too... And, now that I've got you..."

"I'm never going anywhere."

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