new jersey x carolina

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this is a prequel to the oneshot I wrote before! this is how it allllll happened. it takes place in project freelancer. hope you love it Lordrob99 !!! I'm gonna do some time skips here and there, heads up!

"Agents," The Director's loud voice made them flinch as they scrambled to stand at attention, "Meet your new partner, Agent New Jersey."

The muscles on the recruit's body almost made Maine feel intimidated. His smirk almost made York roll his eyes in jealousy. His confidence almost made South scoff. But Carolina just observed him, scrolling her eyes up and down his body.

She loved a new challenge.

"Hey," Jersey nonchalantly waved, crossing his arms as he scanned every Agent. He could take them. He was sure of it.

"You have five minutes to get ready for your match, Agent New Jersey," The Director announced, his hands pinned behinds his back like always, "I suggest you make them count."

The southern man strolled out of the Observation Deck, the Counselor trailing behind him. The Agents' shoulders dropped, and their breaths were let go.

"Jesus," New Jersey jabbed a thumb towards the doorway, "What's his deal?" He chuckled, but immediately stopped when no one else laughed along.

"Well, uh," York patted the rookie on the shoulder, "Welcome to the family!" Jersey smiled, nodding as a thank you to Agent New York.

"So, who am I up against?" The new Agent cracked his knuckles, showing a cocky grin to his new partners.

"Me," the cyan soldier raised her hand, her fiery red hair immediately catching Jersey's attention. "Oh," the rookie took a step towards her, his eyebrows raised in surprise, "And who might you be?"

"Agent Carolina," the green-eyed girl smiled, nodding to the huge leaderboard that hung on the training room's wall. When Jersey's eyes widened at her first place, her smile turned into a smirk.

The black-haired man cleared his throat, trying to wipe the surprise off his face. He tried to keep his cool, but this girl was making it damn hard. She was just so stunning, and Jersey could feel his knees getting weaker and weaker by the second.

Had he already fallen head over heels for this girl that he just met?

"Calling Agents Carolina and New Jersey to the training room floor," FILSS reported, her monotoned voice echoing through the facility.

"Good luck out there," Carolina nodded, strapping on her Rogue helmet and marching out of the Observation Deck. New Jersey exhaled a sigh he didn't know he was holding and watched her as she left.

"You must be a pretty good fighter if your first match is with C," North huffed a laugh, motioning to the redhead who just left. "What's that supposed to mean?" Jersey tilted his head, trying not to sound completely innocent.

"You'll see," North chuckled, shaking his head in pity. The rookie strapped on his helmet, feeling a bit uneasy about his match now...


"Match begin," the female AI's voice rang throughout the training room, and Jersey furrowed his brow.

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