wash x maine

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i'm so sorry if this sucks ass. i had such a good idea but it just slipped out of my mind as i kept writing. god damnit, brain. this one goes to Homestuck_nepeta_ I love you please don't hurt me!

The news hit him hard. When Wash heard that Maine would never be able to speak again, he was heart broken.

All the long nights they spent telling each other their feelings and plans for the future. All the times where Maine whispered a snarky comment in his ear, making Wash burst out laughing. All the moments where they mumbled sleepily to each other in the middle of the night, not wanting anyone to hear their secrets.

All of those memories would now fade, and they wouldn't be replaced by new ones.

It was just Wash and the mute that sometimes growls and hisses... So, if you think about it, it's pretty much just Wash with a cat that he's in love with.


Agent Washington sat by his partner's side in Recovery One, grasping Maine's hand in his. He was still knocked out cold, and he hasn't been awake since that one mission that ruined him.

Carolina mentioned something about giving up Sigma to communicate with Maine, but Wash didn't really trust that idea. Well... not the idea, more like the AI. Sigma gave him the creeps. He couldn't imagine trying to say "I love you," to Maine while that flame engulfed computer stood there watching.


Wash snapped out of his train of thought when York strolled into the Recovery room. "Hey," the suave brunette waved, his crooked grin flashing at Agent Washington. "Hi," the yellow and gray Freelancer replied, a bit annoyed that his alone time with Maine was interrupted.

"How's he holdin' up?" York tilted his head, motioning to the sleeping giant next to Wash. "Fine. The doc said he should be waking up any minute now..." Agent Washington gazed at his partner with doubtful eyes, a sliver of worry scratching at his heart.

The brute tossed in his bed, a small snarl escaping from his lips. Wash immediately sat up with surprise, placing a hand on top of Maine's. "Is he awake?" York inquired, taking an anxious step towards the infirmary bed.

"I don't know," Wash snapped, wishing York would just leave him alone. Maine's eyelashes slightly fluttered, and a growl vibrated from his throat. "What's he saying?" York snickered, not picking the right time to tell a joke.

"He's saying your existence gives him a headache. Go stand over there," Wash glared at his friend, jabbing a finger towards a corner. "Are you sure that's not what you're saying?" York smirked, strutting out of the infirmary and finally putting Wash out of his misery.

"God, finally," The Agent sighed with relief, shaking his head as he watched the door close behind York.

A slight squeeze of the hand made Wash snap his attention back to his partner. "Maine?" His voice cracked, and the yellow and grey Freelancer cleared his throat to try and cover it up.

The white armored man slowly opened his eyes, tilting his head on the pillow to look at Wash.

"Did you miss me?" Wash asked, a hint of a devilish grin in his eyes. Maine shook his head, stopping his real feelings from creeping up and satisfying his partner's cruel curiosity. The rookie couldn't help but smile.

Wash opened his mouth to say something, but a doctor came through the door just in time. "Good morning, Agent Maine! Glad to see you're up," she winked at the patient, her action making Wash roll his eyes.

She picked up the clipboard beside his bed, checking over the chart. "Is there something wrong?" Wash's voice was tense, and he couldn't help but dislike this certain doctor.

The lady sucked on her teeth, eyeing Wash's hand stuck to Maine's. "Nothing at all! Just uh... checking in on my favorite patient!" The doctor cheerfully cooed, placing a gentle hand on Maine's shoulder.

Agent Washington glanced around the infirmary, then back at the doctor with a snarky grin, "Your only patient." The woman rolled her eyes, scoffing as she strutted out of the room.

An irritated growl made Wash sulk back into his seat, "Oh, give me a break! She totally had the hots for you! And, besides, I just want some alone time with my favorite patient." The yellow and grey Freelancer poked out his lower lip, crawling into the small hospital bed with Maine.

Maine sighed greatly, slinging a lazy arm over Wash's shoulder. The rookie closed his eyes in content, happily snuggling up to the brute. Suddenly, Agent Washington shot up with wide eyes.

A surprised snarl erupted from Maine as he peered at his love with questioning eyes. Wash huffed a laugh, smiling like an idiot, "I understood you." The corners of Maine's lips twitched upwards, and Wash grasped onto his hand once again.

"I can understand you."

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