maine x reader x wash

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ok so i know TheRealBlueBerry requested this asking for a lemon, but i don't really think this one is THAT lemony. you'll know what i mean. ENJOY LOVES!!!

reader: neutral

"David?" You sat up straight, hearing the door knob rattle open and slam shut. Maine grunted disappointedly, gripping your hips with his hands as you straddled his waist on the couch.

"Seriously?" Wash raised an annoyed eyebrow as he entered the living room and saw you poking your head over the couch to gaze at him. Your neck was covered in hickies, and your hair was a bit ruffed up from Maine's fingers combing through it.

"You couldn't wait for me?" Your moody boyfriend dropped his keys on the kitchen counter in a frustrated motion. Maine propped up on his elbows to watch him. You gulped, suddenly getting smacked in the face by a wave of guilt.

"You could come and j-" You started to shrug, but David cut you off almost immediately, "No, you two have your fun. I just get the sloppy seconds, right?"

You visibly flinched, hurt by your boyfriend's sudden outburst. He was never like this when he came home. Sure, he was tired and grumpy most of the time. But you and Maine could always cheer him up. You were just making out after all; it's not like you were fucking the super attractive next door neighbor without him. (which is something you all have on your bucket lists)

"Baby," you cooed, getting off of Maine and approaching David with an apologetic look on your face. When you placed your hand on his cheek, he brushed it off and took a step back. You felt like he had just punched you in the face. And your facial expression really showed that.

Maine got off of the couch with a reluctant huff, pulling his tank top down to smooth out the wrinkles you created. "We're sick of it," He grumbled, crossing his muscular arms against his chest. A scowl spread across Wash's lips to match Maine's.

"What?" David growled, brushing past you to take a step towards his boyfriend. "Didn't stutter," Maine shrugged, his stone cold glare not intimidating Wash at all.

You cleared your throat, stepping in between them to try and explain, "Maine's just saying that we're a little peeved you always come home moody. That's all; no big deal." You tried to show Wash a cheeky smile, but it faded quickly when he scoffed.

Trying to make the situation better, you tried to explain better, "I mean, aren't you happy to come home and see us? Don't we make your day better?" Your voice faltered a bit, and an uneasy smile twitched on your lips.

When Wash just blankly stared at you, you felt your heart drop. Your head lowered slightly, and your throat tightened as an early sign of tears. "Come on, (Y/n)," Maine growled, tugging on your elbow and glaring at David.

You cleared your throat, gluing your eyes to the floor in order to avoid any glares or apologetic looks from Wash. Maine gently ushered you into the bedroom, shutting the door behind you. You pressed your ear up again the wood of the door.

"You can't expect us to wait for your bad attitude everyday. I'm sorry, but some of us are actually happy with our lives," Maine spat, and you actually recoiled from his tone and harsh words. When you heard his footsteps pounding your way, you stepped away from the door.

"Sorry," he mumbled, gathering you in his arms. You inhaled his cologne-scented t-shirt, burying your face in his chest. After a moment of silence, you lifted your head from his shirt to gaze up at him. His lips slowly curled into a smile before they connected with yours.

The slow, gentle kiss quickly picked up pace and force. Your mouths were passionate against each other, and your hands roamed each other's body. Maine wrapped your thighs around his mid-section and started to carry you over to the bed.

When you were practically thrown onto the squeaky mattress, you laughed. Maine smirked as he crawled after you, pressing his lips against the soft skin of your neck. His groin softly grinded against you, and you unintentionally let a moan slip from your throat.

When you noticed the sound you made, your eyes suddenly shot open. "Wait," you whispered, sitting up from the bed and pulling Maine's face to look at you. Your gaze flashed from his confused expression to the door, and your thoughts went to your partner on the other side.

Maine immediately knew what you stopped him for, and he watched your guilt-filled eyes beg him. He sighed reluctantly, whispering a new plan into your ear. You giggled at the idea, but you immediately hushed when Maine pressed a finger to his lips.

Your boyfriend slowly got off of the bed and approached the nearest wall. You stood up on the mattress, waiting for his cue. When the brute nodded, you started to jump up and down on the bed wildly. Maine pounded his flat palm against the wall, and you embraced your inner porn star.

"Oh, Maine!" You tried to hide your laughter as the bed squeaked uncontrollably, and the walls sounded like they were about to cave in. Your snickering boyfriend even threw in a few groans, matching your rhythm and sounds.

After only a few seconds of your shenanigans, Wash busted down the door. His face was red as a tomato, but not in the blushing way. You were sure you could see smoke pouring out of his ears. But, when he saw you jumping on the bed and Maine hitting the wall, he started to laugh.

It surprised you and Maine at first, and you two shared an awkward glance as Wash died from laughter in front of you. After he gained his breath, he rose an eyebrow at the two of you as he smirked, "What a bummer. I was hoping I could jump in."

You and Maine grew a cheeky grin, sighing with relief when you finally had your old Wash back. "So," David started to unbuckle his belt, and the two of you almost fainted, "Are you just gonna stand there and let me do all of the work?"

God, you missed this.

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