felix x locus

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Homestuck_nepeta_ requested this!! IMPORTANT: this one-shot follows the blind!locus headcanon! (and a very caring felix) enjoy!


"Why the hell am I bringing you here on a Friday night?" Felix scowled as he pulled into the empty parking lot of the town's closet library. "It'll only take a minute," Locus rolled his eyes, even though he knew his boyfriend couldn't see through his sunglasses.

"It better. Or else I'm leaving your nerdy ass here and hitting up Vanessa's party," the whiny merc teased, cutting the noisy engine off of his old car. "I'll break your legs if you try," Locus threatened, ignoring Felix handing him his cane.

"I don't need it," the blind man denied his walking stick, closing the car door behind him. "Lo-" Felix's voice was full of concern, but his boyfriend quickly cut him off. "I don't need it, Isaac," his stern voice made the brunette merc immediately shut up and put Locus' cane back in the trunk.

"Felix," the deep-voiced merc scolded when he heard scuffling in front of him, "You don't have to brush leaves out of my way. I'm not gonna trip."

Felix shrugged beside him as he grumbled under his breath. Locus chuckled under his breath, gently taking his boyfriend's hand, "You would think after ten years of knowing each other, you would understand that I'm completely independent with my inability to see."

"You would also think after ten years of knowing each other that you would stop being such a dick," the sassy merc mocked, opening the door to the library. "Just be quiet and wait here," Locus rolled his eyes once again before strolling off to find some books worth reading.

"I don't get why we're at the library when you can't even see," he mumbled under his breath with a scowl across his lips. "There's a thing called brail, Felix," the blind man called over his shoulder, making his boyfriend slump into a chair defeatedly.

After what seemed like an hour, Locus finally emerged from the stacked bookshelves. "Congratulations. I'm 100 years old," the brunette sighed with relief as he stood up, showing a teasing smile to his approaching boyfriend. When Locus didn't even acknowledge his joke, Felix frowned with worry.

"Babe," Felix caught him by the elbow when he tried to walk past, "What's wrong?" The blind man just shook his head, trying to tell him that he didn't want to talk about it. "Sam," the brunette ordered, his voice quiet and urging.

"They didn't have any brail," Locus admitted. He was kind of embarrassed that he was so worked up about it in the first place. "None?" Gates cocked an eyebrow, letting go of his boyfriend's elbow with surprise. "It's fine, really. I'll look someplace else," he shrugged, trying to walk past Felix again.

Catching him by the elbow once again, Isaac pulled his boyfriend back to the library's table. "Sit down," Felix pulled the chair out from under the wooden surface, but his boyfriend still stood. "It's not that big of a deal, honestly," Locus tried to convince him otherwise, but the determined merc still held onto his elbow.

With a reluctant sigh, Sam sat down. He was honestly curious to what his boyfriend was going to do. Felix ran off to the nearest bookshelf, skimming through each book until he found one he knew was perfect.

"Alright," the cocky mercenary cleared his throat as he sat next to Locus, "Since I always see you reading, or brailing, murder mysteries... I'm gonna read one to you." The deep-voiced man started to refute, "Don't we have a party to get to-"

"Just shut up and listen," Felix snapped, relaxing into the library's chair as he flipped to the first page. Locus smiled, recognizing the book from the first sentence. It was his favorite book of all time; Felix knew that for a fact. He chose it on purpose. As his boyfriend continued to read the novel with a smirk laced on his face, the blind man was actually happy.

Good thing Felix couldn't see his boyfriend's teary eyes past the dark tint of the sunglasses...

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