tex x church

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this beauty's for FreelancerGabbitron I'm sorry if this absolutely sucks i tried my hardest XD

(high school au)

Everyone thought they were dating.

I mean, it's obvious, right?!

All of the bickering and pushing and flicking and punching and teasing. It's like they were an old married couple. They sat together at lunch, even though they both sent each other dirty looks across the table. They sat together in class, even though they always messed with each other and threw spitballs in each other's faces.

But, they just... fit.

Tex and Church never even considered dating. Cause, I mean... they're like just not the kind of people you would find together. But apparently everyone thought differently.

Word started to get around, and Tex overheard a bunch of little freshmen gobbling about it at they're geek club table. She was furious. After lunch, she didn't speak, look at, or even think about Church. Tex growled, stomping through the halls while screaming in her head. Who in their right mind would think we're together??? We like hate each other!

Which she knew was wrong. She enjoyed his company, even though they viewed many things differently. They bickered, but ended up snickering at the end of their little argument. They punched and kicked, but ended up smiling at each other. She stole glances at him while he wasn't looking. He pulled spit balls out of her hair while laughing at his "amazing" aim.

But... she would never admit that she enjoyed him being around. Ever.

Church was confused beyond comprehension. Did he do something wrong? Did he go too far with his teasing? Did he forget to tell her good morning or something?

In biology, Tex scribbled away at her notes ferociously. She didn't even glance his way, like she always did when he was writing his own notes. Church pouted, trying to figure out what he did wrong.

After a few minutes, he decided that there couldn't possibly be something he did to upset her. Nothing came across his mind. Church wanted her attention... Hey, no other way to do that than annoy the shit out of her... right?

"Tex," he whispered, not surprised when she didn't respond.
"Tex," he whispered again, tapping the edge of her desk with his pencil.
"Allison," he mimicked her father's voice, smiling cheekily when she sent him a vicious glare.

She returned to her work, looking at the clock to see how much time she had left to put up with him. Tex sighed heavily, shaking her head as she erased some messy words from her notebook.

"Ally!" Church grew impatient, snatching her pencil out of her hand. "Church!" She growled, cursing at herself for not lowering her voice. They had caught the attention of the whole class now; everyone had that know-it-all smile as they watched the two scramble. Hell, even the teacher was grinning.

"Give me it!" Tex lurched for the pencil, tilting her chair to get a good leverage. Church smirked, holding the pencil in the air so it was far out of her reach, "Nuh uh." She growled through clenched teeth, "Church!" He just chuckled, waving the pencil in the air like it was a flag.

"Ahem," Mr. Delta cleared his throat, trying to drop a hint to the two. The class immediately broke out into a giggle and Tex was fuming by the time she heard whispers about them "dating".

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