wyoming x reader

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requested by squarepotatoes hope you enjoyyyy! I tried to do a little bit of fluff for this cute brit. :3

(takes place in Project Freelancer)

reader: neutral

"Knock, knock," the smirking Freelancer leaned against his locker, eyeing you up and down. You sighed, cursing the Director for putting your locker next to his. "Who's there?" You reluctantly replied, shutting your locker.

"A super attractive gentleman waiting for some affection from a certain someone," he raised an eyebrow, hoping you would giggle or swoon at his little joke. Instead, you just rolled your eyes and started to walk out of the locker room.

"W-wait, how about a super attractive badass gentleman?" He held out a hand, stuttering as he tried to keep you from walking away. You strolled out of the room, shaking your head as you chuckled, "Not a chance, Reggie."

Wyoming sighed, letting his head hang low with embarrassment and disappointment. He sat down on the bench, putting his head in his hands. "What is that, York? The 30th time this week?" North sent a grin to his friend, who gladly returned it. "More like 50th," he chuckled, leaning against his locker with a look of pride.

"Oh, you can go bite the big one," the British chap raised his head to glare at his two friends. "Ooo, tasty," York whistled, giving him a teasing smile.

"Jesus, Reg. You've been trying to hit on (Y/n) for two months now! When are you gonna learn to give up?" North sat down next to Wyoming on the bench, crossing his arms as his brow furrowed. "Yeah, I mean, the knock knock jokes aren't working that well," York huffed a laugh, sitting down on the other side of them.

"I've tried other solutions! Like pick-up lines, and flirts, and one-liners!" Wyoming whined, showing them a frown. "Well, maybe you should give them some roses or something! People love flowers!" The gold and silver armored man beamed, earning a look from his compadres. "What?" He shot them a glare, holding his hands up in defense.

"Like you would know," North gave him a push behind Wyoming's back, and York let out a laugh. "No, I don't think flowers would please (Y/n)," Reggie sighed, standing up to exit the locker room. "Whoa, slow your roll, pal. Let us help you!" North chased after him, putting a caring hand on his shoulder.

"They'll just turn me down, again!" Wyoming whined, his eyes drooping with sadness. "Not with our help, they won't!" York smiled a foxy grin, his mind already racing with ideas. "I guess it wouldn't hurt," Reggie played with his mustache, showing his friends a small smile. "That's the spirit!" North laughed, patting him on the back reassuringly.


You closed your door behind you, flicking on the lights to your room. You smiled at the sight of your bed, happy to rest after your long day of training. You hopped into the covers, after taking off your incredibly heavy armor.

You smiled up at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to overcome you. But, something caught your eye. A picture. It wasn't one you had earlier. Sitting on your nightstand was a picture of the Freelancers. Your family.

Everyone was sitting at the lunch table, laughing at one of Wyoming's famous stories. The memory made you smile as you looked at everyone's faces. They were so happy.

Carolina leaned against York's shoulder trying to hide her smile, one of the only times anyone has seen them show affection in public. Wash was snorting up his milk, and Maine was chuckling with his hand on Wash's back. Connie was no where to be found, not surprising. South
leaning back in her chair, crossing her arms with a smirk plastered across her face. North was chuckling, leaning his cheek onto his fist. Wyoming was gazing at you across the table with a grin, watching as you laughed.

His smirk was one-of-a-kind. God, his mustache was always in the perfection condition and place. His hair made you want to run your fingers through it. His eyes stayed on you the whole time. It's like he told the joke just to see you laugh and smile. Oh, why was he so sweet?

It wasn't until your cheeks hurt from smiling that you finally realized you couldn't take your eyes off of Reggie. You blushed immensely, and you felt like washing your face with a firefighter's hose from the heat that radiated off of it.

Even though you were alone in your room, you smothered your face in the covers to try and hide your red cheeks.

You were completely head over heals for this guy.

And you finally decided it was time to stop playing hard to get.


"I don't know, what if it doesn't work?" Wyoming fretted, staring down at his eggs with a look of dread. "It will work! Trust me on this! The picture will remind her how much fun you two have together... and if she throws it out then you know you can finally move on with your life!" York gave him a little nudge of encouragement, stuffing his cheeks with grits.

Carolina glanced at him across the table, rolling her eyes, "Mmhmm." York shot her a playful glare, grinning while bits of eggs hung from his mouth. "Oh, how charming," Wyoming grumbled, scooping up his breakfast with a long sigh.

"Hey," you strutted into the lunch area, hair in a mess with your pajamas still on. "Good morning," Wyoming piped up immediately, smiling at the sight of you. Surprising everyone at the table, you sat down next to the white armored Freelancer... a little closer than normal.

"Sleep well?" Carolina smirked, giving York a glance. "Mhm," you hummed sleepily, sliding your hand down Wyoming's thigh. He visually froze, his fork freezing in place. After a moment, he gulped and tried to act like nothing happened. York jerked his head towards the door, motioning to Carolina that they needed to bolt.

"Well, it was great talking to you (Y/n), but I think we're gonna go train now. Okay, bye," Carolina literally raced out of the door, with York trailing behind her with a cheeky grin. When the door shut, Wyoming immediately turned to you. Before any words could even process in his mind, your lips were on his.

You cupped his face in your hands, smiling at his ticklish facial hair. Wyoming was completely caught off guard, and it took him a few moments to respond. His hands travelled around you and down your back, pressing your waist against him.

You could almost sense how long he's been waiting for this. You couldn't help but rack your fingers through his hair, and Wyoming almost gawked at your sudden emotions.

When you had to pull away for breath, he was speechless. "H-how did you, wh-why-" He stuttered, gazing at you with wide eyes. You giggled, saving him by interrupting his jumbled up words. "I realized that it's time to stop playing hard to get," you paused to give him a quick, sensual kiss, "and to start taking action."

Wyoming was still speechless.

You gave him a wink, standing up to exit the lunch room. "I'll catch you later?" You paused before leaving, tilting your head with a beaming smile. Wyoming nodded, his mouth still hanging open with astonishment.

You huffed a laugh when you found York and Carolina outside the door with their ears pressed up against the wall. As soon as they saw you they retreated, acting like they weren't doing anything suspicious. After you were out of sight, York sprinted into the lunch room to give Reggie a smirk.

"I told ya it would work!"

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