felix x reader

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this one is requested by my bby Flameykittycat !!! i hope you love it <3 this is kinda halloween themed so i was so excited while writing this! i may even do a part two if it's requested ;)

reader: feminine

You didn't care much for Halloween. You didn't understand why so many people got excited for a holiday that was for kids. The decorations were cheesy. Everyone hosted those stupid parties where girls would come wearing slutty outfits that were barely even considered costumes and guys would try to nail one of them.

The whole holiday made you barf.

Your boyfriend, however, had different opinions.

"Sweetness," Felix purred softly in your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest. You felt his weight settle next to you on the bed, and his warmth slowly evolved around you. You hummed soothingly, a small smile spreading across your lips. You felt his lips feather across your neck, then stop when he reached your ear.

"Hey, babe?" His husky voice tickled you as you turned around in his arms. "Mhm?" You yawned, opening your droopy and tired eyes. You laid your hands on his chest, surprised to feel fabric... Felix usually sleeps without a shirt.

"Why are you wearing a shirt?" You opened your eyes, your brow crinkling in confusion. "Oh, um," Felix started, but he stopped when you lifted the covers and saw his clothes. "What the fuck are you wearing?" You almost bursted out laughing at his attire.

"Is this some new kinky shit you wanna try out or something?" You raised an unimpressed eyebrow, gazing down at his full-fledged cop uniform. "Actually-" Felix lit up in surprise, but you immediately shut him down, "No."

"Well," he cleared his throat, running his fingertips gently up and down your arms, "We're going to a party!" He beamed you a smile, but when he saw your facial expression, his smile faded. "Felix," you grumbled, "You know how I feel about Halloween. Especially the parties."

"I know, but it could be fun!" The cop was actually being sweet for once. He was practically begging you to come. You peered over your shoulder out the window, "It's not even light outside! What time is it?"

"2 am," he winced, knowing you would groan and roll back over. And that's exactly what you did. "No one goes to a party at 2 am on a Monday," you mumbled, tugging the covers up and under your chin. "Well, technically it's a Tuesday," Felix shrugged, snickering slightly when you turned over to shoot him a quick glare.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" He whined, pulling you towards his chest again. "Is that your nightstick or something else I'm feeling on the back of my leg?" You snarled, fluffing you pillow quite angrily before laying down with a sigh.

"That's for you to decide," he chuckled under his breath, his lips abruptly landing on the back of your neck. He sent shivers down your spine, and you had to force yourself to move away from him. "No, Felix. I'm staying here and I'm sleeping," you grunted, scooting away from him and curling up in the covers.

Felix frowned before he sighed and crawled out of bed. You smiled at the silence and smothered back into the warmth and comfort into your bed. You started to feel a tinge of guilt for shutting down your boyfriend, but the guilt dissolved when he came back with high hopes.

"Baby~," his pouty tone made you roll your eyes, and you almost snapped when he started to pull on your arm. Practically dragging you off of the bed by your arms, you hung upside down as your hair touched the floor. He laughed at the sight, his hands covering his stomach. You glared daggers at your boyfriend, pulling yourself up and crawling back into your previous position.

Felix hummed in thought, rubbing his chin and trying to brainstorm ideas. When a lightbulb sparked in his thick skull, he left. You could hear him rummaging through the room next to the bedroom, and you groaned as you pulled the covers over your head.

"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. (L/n)! I'm so sorry to wake you at this hour," your boyfriend sounded extra chipper as he babbled to your parents, an evil tone laced in with his voice. You shot up from your laying position, sprinting out of the bed and running into the living room.

Felix stood in the middle of the room, a phone next to his ear and a smirk stretched across his lips at the sight of you out of bed. "Motherfucker," you growled, stomping towards your boyfriend. "Yes, your daughter is very sick right now," he chuckled at you, using a stiff hand to keep you away from the phone's reach.

"I think it may be the alcohol," he whispered, watching you scowl at him. You suddenly smiled as you thought of a plan. You gently turned Felix's face to yours, smashing your lips together. His words paused, and his attention was now on you. In less than a second, the phone was snatched out of hand and you were running back into your bedroom.

"I'm not drunk, I promise! He's joking. I love you, bye," You swiftly ended the call, not even waiting to hear your angered parents yell or respond. You buried the phone under your pillow, and you resumed your slumber.

"So stubborn," you heard Felix sigh in the next room, and you couldn't help but giggle. Soon, silence crept over your apartment and you started to drift off into sleep's arms. Your breaths were beginning to slow to an even pace, and your eyelashes fluttered as you started to dream.


You jerked away, flipping out of your bed and onto the carpet below. You hid the ground with a thud, the wind getting knocked out of your lungs. You ignored the agonizing pain in your chest that told you to rest, and you sat up straight and glared at Felix.


Your boyfriend stood proudly in the doorway, a stereo hitched on his shoulder. As the song continued, he evilly twisted the knob on the volume. You covered your ears, the loud beat pounding your head.

"FELIX!" You screamed, your teeth gritting in frustration. "GET IN THE SPIRIT, BABE!" He shouted over the music, swaying his hips with the annoying song.


"GOD, OKAY! I'LL GO TO THE FUCKING PARTY! JUST TURN IT OFF!" You gave in, your chest heaving from your yells. Felix pounded a fist in the air in victory, pressing the power button on the stereo.

You sighed contently at the silence, your fists still clenched in anger. "You're the reason I'm going to have gray hairs at the age of 27," you growled, pushing past him and storming into the living room.

"Hey, hey, hey," Felix ran after you, circling his arms around your waist and twirling you around to face him. "You're the reason I'm sane at the age of 27," he smiled softly, pressing his forehead against yours as he moved a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.

"I'm only going to this party because I love you," you tried to hide your blush by fixing the collar of his uniform, "And because you look so damn hot as a cop."

"If you think this is hot then just wait until you see your costume."

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