sigma x reader

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requested by PigeonLily sorry if this totally sucks I did my best! btw, the reader is an AI.

reader: neutral

You knew it was wrong.

One AI having feelings for another.

Protocol says you aren't even allowed to communicate.

But you couldn't help it.

Sigma was always so nice to you, and he put up with you and your shenanigans. You don't know what it was about him, but his voice and personality just made your heart flutter. His smile made your circuit boards jumble.

You've tried so many times to get him to play along with you, maybe a few flirts here and there, but he was busy with his calculations and studies most of the time.

You didn't even know if Sigma liked you back. You just hoped for the best.

When you chatted with the other AIs, privately of course, they always snickered at your crush on the fiery AI. You glared at the them, scolding them for being so loud.

They kept telling you to just confess your feelings to him already. You couldn't bring yourself to do it, and you always felt bad whenever you tried to talk to him during his little study sessions.

"Just do it already, (Y/n)," Eta whispered, practically jumping with anticipation. "I'm just trying to find the right time... You know how he is with his knowledge and curiosity," you sulked, shuffling your feet uncomfortably.

"Well, he is ambition, after all," Delta chuckled, trying to feel a little less awkward with the broken protocol. You exchanged glances with your fellow programs, tapping your foot as you thought it over.

"Fine, I'll do it!" You smiled, earning a cheer from your friends.


You convinced your assigned Agent to enter the classroom, telling them that you needed to study AI rampancy. Your Agent shrugged, guessing it wouldn't hurt.

You saw Agent Maine sleeping on the desk, his snores mixed with his growls. You smiled, knowing Sigma would be here. You spotted him near the board, gazing at the notes for metastability.

Your Agent sat down next to Maine, chuckling at his sleeping friend.

"I'll only be a minute," you glanced back at your partner, sharing a small smile with them. They obviously knew what you came here for; it was the most obvious thing in the world. And I mean, you two share the same thoughts... It's not hard to figure out.

"Hi, Sigma," you sheepishly greeted, standing next to him as he reviewed his notes. You felt your throat tighten and you could've sworn your holographic hands were dripping with sweat.

"Hello, (Y/n)," Sigma comments nonchalantly, not even looking away from the board to say hi. You took a few deep breaths, your heart pounding in your chest.

"What ar-" You tried to keep up the conversation but Sigma cut you off immediately, "(Y/n), I'm trying to learn some interesting things here. In silence." His cold and irritated tone made you want to crawl under the covers and cry.

But you didn't.

You surprised even yourself when you scoffed, offended that he would even think about using that kind of voice with you. "You know, you're Mr. Grouchy Pants literally all the time! Name one thing you love besides studying or learning about AI theory," you narrowed your eyes at him, crossing your arms in a sassy sort of way.

Sigma's breathing hitched, and you saw his hesitation as he thought. "Exactly," you stated after a moment of silence, turning around to leave.

"You," he spoke quietly, quiet enough to be classified as a whisper. "What was that?" You snapped, curiosity filling your mindset as you spun around.

"You," he stated even louder this time, approaching you with confidence, "I love you." He said it as if it was the easiest thing he'd ever done.

You froze, utterly shocked by his words. "What?" You wheezed, feeling as if you were going to faint. You started to shake, your knees trembling beneath you.

"That is," Sigma inched toward you, closer and closer, "unless you don't have the same feelings." You shook your head viciously, indicating you had the exact same feelings.

"Good," a smirk played on his lips as he gently grabbed your chin, gazing into your eyes. You swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the lump that formed in your throat. His lips brushed against yours, but just as your eyes fluttered close... he stepped back.

Grinning madly, Sigma strutted towards Agent Maine, "I'll see you later, (Y/n)." You glared playfully at the engulfed AI, watching as he and his flames disappeared into Maine's helmet. You kicked the air, giggling to yourself as you shook your head.

"What a tease."

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