wash x reader

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this was requested by Novacc and i hope you like it! i had so much fun writing this. btw, it's in 3rd person POV!

reader: feminine

"Ugh!" Wash let out a frustrated groan, clamping his hands around his ears to try and block out the noise. When it continued, Wash rolled over in his bed and smothered a pillow over his head, "God damn dog."

Wash was awoken in the middle of the night by his barking dog, and he guessed that it's been about an hour of repeated yapping. His German Shephard was a gift from a friend after the war, and he had trained it pretty well. Which made him wonder... He wouldn't bark like this because he knows better. What if something's actually really wrong?

Wash bolted to his feet and grabbed his baseball bat beside his bed, since he felt he didn't have much time to get his magnum. The ex-soldier snuck out his back door, scanning the yard. Wash held his breath as his eyes skimmed the green grass. He was about to go back inside until he spotted a figure under his oak tree.

Wash crept across the damp grass, raising his bat above his head. His heart pounded in his throat, and he gulped as he approached the intruder. But the baseball bat suddenly dropped once he saw the figure petting his dog. "What the hell?" He gaped, and the mystery person turned around to see the noise maker.

"You have a really pretty puppy," she hiccuped, circling the huge German Shephard in her arms for a hug. Wash dropped the bat on the ground and didn't even wince when it made a pitiful pound on the grass. His jaw hung open, and his brow furrowed as he observed the girl that was suffocating his dog.

"How did you even get in here?" Wash was perplexed, mostly because he knew his fence didn't have a gate to walk into... Did she climb over? "Iclimbedoverthecastlewalls," she giggled, her words tumbling from her mouth in rushed, distinguishable syllables.

"But, shhhhh!" She whisper-yelled, squishing an index finger to her lips, "Don't tell anybody!" Wash scratched his head, knowing that this girl was beyond drunk... Like if "drunk" was a type of Pokemon, it would be evolved to its third state by now.

"What are you doing here? At my house?" Wash raised an eyebrow at the (h/c) haired girl. "Well," she hiccuped, "you have the perfect yard thor looking rat stars... Warnna join me?" The mystery female patted the grass beside her, finally letting go the poor pup beneath her.

It took Wash a moment to process the slurred words that she spoke, but then finally deciphered the message in his mind. The ex-soldier pondered her request for a moment, deciding after a few seconds that she was a harmless drunk girl. "I guess," he shrugged, popping a squat beside the drunk.

"Hey, buddy," Wash smiled as his dog approached him, and he gave him a quick scratch behind the ears.

"So, you gotta name?" Wash glanced at his new friend, grinning when he found her staring at the twinkles above. "(Y/n)," she cooed sweetly, stretching out the last syllable. When she fanned a hand Wash's way, he assumed she wanted him to exchange his answer as well. "Wash," he showed her a small smile, the name catching slightly in his throat.

"Wash," she tested the name on her tongue, furrowing her brow when she slurred it. "Like a sink?" her face contorted with confusion as she gazed at him. Wash laughed wholeheartedly, a sound that made (Y/n)'s smile widen. "It makes sense... Trust me," He chuckled, turning his gaze to the stars.

(Y/n) abruptly ran a hand down his cheek, and she outlined his lips, "You have a reeeally pretty face." Wash's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He thanked God for the darkness, because if she was able to see his red... Jesus, he would die.

"U-um, you too," he stuttered, turning his face to look at hers. She had a grin across her lips, and Wash gulped when she didn't remove her hand from his face. (Y/n) giggled at his compliment and then went back to watching the stars.

Wash already missed the warmth of her hand from his lips, but he felt weird feeling this way... I mean, he just met this girl, and she was drunk. Wow, what a keeper, David.

But she really was. Wash gazed at her for a while, and he found himself getting butterflies as he looked at her. (Y/n) had her eyes closed and her face was emit with the shining moonlight. Her features were soft and smooth, and he felt like he wanted to do the same thing she just did to him a couple moments ago. Wash sat on his hands to resist the urge, and he smiled at how peaceful she looked. So beautiful on the dew-layered grass. So elegant under the moon.

Even if she was hammered.

She still seemed perfect with no flaws what so ever.

Wash cleared his throat, shaking his head violently in order to snap him out of his trance. He brought his eyes to the night sky and relished in the silence they both shared. After a few moments, he decided to break the tranquility, "Did you know that only the brightest stars can be seen at night?" (Y/n) smirked, raising a flirtatious eyebrow in Wash's direction, "Oh, so that's why I can see you so clearly."

The ex-soldier immediately turned to her once her words registered in his mind, and he glared at her for smirking. She knew it would get him flustered. God damnit, he thought. Wash wanted nothing more than to bury his face in his hands.

But he didn't.

Instead, he returned the grin she showed. Two can play at this game. "Well, when I find a bright, clear star... I make sure I remember every, single detail of it. So then it never leaves my mind," Wash edged towards (Y/n), his voice getting low and raspy as he lowered his gaze to her mouth. (Y/n) bit her lip, inching towards Wash as well, "Then thank God for a good memory."

Wash chuckled, placing a hand on her cheek before locking his lips with hers. He winced at the amount of alcohol he tasted from her mouth, and she even smelled like it. Which wasn't a bad thing, cause Wash loved the taste.

It reminded him of the days when he was a carefree teenager, but this isn't the average beer he used to chug with his buddies. No, this girl went hard. The dark liquor you can only order shots with. This girl didn't order those fru-fru drinks that you get at a cocktail party. She ordered the stuff you get after a long day or a rough breakup.

However, you would think a guy like him would despise a girl like her. Especially since she broke into his backyard drunk, just so she could look at the stars and pet his dog... But, Wash loved this mystery he wanted to unravel. He loved the idea of her, the thought of her. He loved this carefree, free spirited woman he just met.

Especially since she broke into his backyard drunk, just so she could look at the stars and pet his dog.

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