simmons x reader

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this one was requested by emilytoor6 !!! this prompt i thought of was so fitting i just had to use it!

(high school au)

reader: neutral

Simmons stared at you across the lunch table, struggling to keep a smile on his face. He watched as you vented about your unrequited crush on a senior that was way out of your league. Your eyes were full of hopelessness, and you grunted in frustration.

"I've tried everything," you continued to rant, "They just don't see me! It's as if I'm invisible." You pushed your food around on your lunch tray with a pout across your lips. Grif, who frequently sat with you two merely for the free and extra food, gave Simmons a sympathetic look.

He knew about the nerd's crush on you.

Hell, everyone knew about Simmons' crush on you.

Except you...

Simmons wanted to shake you by your shoulders and scream in your face, I understand completely! Why can't you just open your eyes?! But, he didn't. He just continued to nod and listen to you. Like a friend. A good friend.

You glanced behind your shoulder at the popular senior's lunch table, gazing at him for a while. You sighed heavily, "They don't even know I exist." Simmons stared at his plate, his appetite lost. He almost felt dizzy, and he considered running to the bathroom in case he was going to be queasy.

You turned back around to face your friend, your eyebrow crinkled when you saw the nerd's expression. "Hey, you okay?" Your voice was full of concern, and Simmons snapped out of his trance to nod vigorously. "Just tired," he lied straight through his teeth, pushing his glasses up the brim of his nose.

Grif bitterly laughed under his breath, shaking his head as he continued to stuff his face with the crappy school lunch. Simmons shot him a quick glare.

"I'm sorry I'm blabbering so much about this... It's just... It's just tearing me apart," you smothered your face in your palms, your mind faltering on options on how to make your situation better. You almost felt a tinge of annoyance when Simmons didn't attempt to comfort you like he always did.

"You just don't know how bad it hurts to like someone so much and for them to have no idea how you feel," you blurt out, scowling at him from across the table. You didn't mean to sound so bitter, and you immediately regretted it as soon as the words rolled off your tongue.

There was a long silence, and Grif even stopped chewing to stare at you in disbelief.

"...No, I guess I don't," Simmons showed you a sad smile, clearing his throat before he got up and left your table. "Richard, I d-didn't..." You began to apologize, but he stormed out of the cafeteria before you could.

You merely shrugged after a few short moment, resuming your meal, "Don't know what his problem is." Grif eyed you beside his friend's empty seat, "Are you stupid or are you dumb?" Your eyes widened in surprise, "Excuse me?"

"Here's a better question," Grif rolled his eyes as he switched his empty plate with Simmons', "Are you blind or are you deaf?" When you continued to stare at him in confusion, the fatass sighed.

"Let me break this down for you," he paused his eating to elaborate, "That guy hasn't been in a relationship in three years. Actually, the only relationship he's been in lasted for two weeks cause the person felt bad for him. But, that's not the point."

"Then, what is the point?" You snarled, crossing your arms as you began to get fed up with Grif's ramblings. Grif sighed once again, "The point is... Simmons has always been by your side. He's always been your shoulder to cry on, and he's always been your vent. He's always been there to put a smile on your face. Always."

"I know." You snapped, but Grif just shook his head, "Do you?" You continued to rack your brain for anything that would make sense of this, but you were clueless. "Oh, for fuck's sake," he scoffed, "Simmons hasn't been in a relationship for three years. When did you guys meet?"

Grif raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to finally catch on. Your brain raced for an answer. "Three years ago..." You whispered, piecing the puzzle together. "He's waiting," Grif smiled wholeheartedly at you, motioning to the exit.

You stood up from your lunch table, sprinting towards the cafeteria doors that lead to the high school's long hallways. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you repeatedly cursed at yourself for being so clueless and stupid and careless and selfish.

...And, you didn't even glance at the senior behind you.


"Simmons!" You called down the hallways, frantically running around in hopes to find him. "Simmons!" You cried, slowing to a stop and sighing.

Then you caught a glimpse of the maroon shirted nerd retreating, and you smiled. "SIMMONS!" You squealed, sprinting down the corridor to try and catch up to him. But, he slipped away before you were even half way there, and you thought of a better plan.

"I think I lost them," the escapee sighed in relief once you abruptly stopped chasing him. He thought he was free until you suddenly popped around the corner with a smirk laced on your lips.

"Oh, Richard," you cooed in a sing-songy voice as you started to approach him. "God damnit!" He whined as he spun around to sprint away. "You're not getting away this time," you chuckled as you dove for him, tackling the guy on to the cold tile of your school.

"I gotta tell ya," you teased as you pinned his arms beside his head, sitting on his waist to keep him still, "This whole cat and mouse thing is started to get real tiring." Simmons squirmed from beneath you, grunting as he tried to free himself from your grasp.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You blurted out with a suddenly hurt tone. "Maybe because you were too busy drooling over others to even pay me a glimpse of attention!" The nerd exclaimed, becoming infuriated at a rapid pace.

"If you would've told me, I would've done something!" You snapped, getting closer and closer to his face. "Oh, yeah? Like what?" Richard taunted, his vibrant eyes burrowing into yours.

To answer his question, you smashed your lips into his. The nerd's eyes widened in shock, and he had to blink a few times until he believed that he wasn't in a dream. All of your hidden feelings began pouring into that one kiss.

Thank God you finally listened.

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