north x reader x york

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this one was requested by shadowhuntergirl08 !!! im sorry this isn't really a "fighting over the reader" sort of thing but it is definitely the argument. this is one of my faves i've written!

(takes place during Project Freelancer)

reader: feminine

North let out a dramatic sigh as he flung himself onto the couch in your shared quarters, careless to the fact that you, his roommate, were already comfortably seated.

"Oof!" A gust of air forcibly escaped you as you were assaulted with a lapfull of your friend. "North... Get off." You tried to shove the soldier's legs off your lap, but he wouldn't budge.

"Aw, (Y/n)! You know you love nothing more than to have me on top of you," North teased, one of the rare things that was becoming more and more frequent as time went on. You rolled your eyes, but the corner of your mouth twitched up slightly, "In your dreams. But, I actually do need to get up. Move."

The blond refused. "What? You've got a hot date or something?" He faked a gasp, "Without me?" North clutched at his heart, "I'm wounded."

Finally managing to escape from the confines of your friend's legs, you stood up. "I'm afraid so. Shockingly, our love was never meant to be." You rolled your eyes once more as you entered your bunk area.

Moments later, North was leaning against the door. He watched you fix your hair a bit, eyeing yourself from different angles to see if you needed to apply any makeup. "Getting fancy, huh?" He observed, eyeing you up and down suspiciously. Then realization washed over him, "You really do have a hot date tonight, don't you?!"

You paused your inspection to eye him in the mirror of your vanity, "Why do you sound so surprised?" The soldier grinned deviously, "I just don't understand who would wanna go out with you." You snorted and started to pat some blush on your cheeks, "Very funny."

North chuckled under his breath and gave a little shrug, "I'm just messing around. You look good, (Y/n)." You rolled your eyes, your cheeks getting even redder, "Shut up."

Your partner in crime beamed you a satisfied smile when he noticed your blush, "I don't think you want me to..." He stepped towards your vanity, sitting down beside you and staring at you. You avoided his gaze, looking into the mirror and swiping on some mascara.

He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, and your skin suddenly got warm when he grazed it. You stood up from your mirror abruptly, approaching your closet to change from your training sweats. North tried not to frown as you walked away.

He was silent for a moment, "So, who're you going out with? It's not one of our teammates, is it?" You dodged his question, pulling off your tank top and grabbing a little black dress out of your closet. You could feel North's eyes on you. Not that it bothered you. You two had known each other for so long and were friends even before the Project. He had seen you in your bra plenty of times, to say the least.

"Wow," the soldier exhaled as you turned around, slipping on your black heels like you did it everyday. "Is it too much?" You raised an eyebrow at him, sort of spinning in your dress to give him a better look.

It took your friend a moment to respond, his eyes dragging up and down your body before he snapped himself out of it. "He's not gonna be able to take his eyes off of you," North gave you a smile, one that kind of resembled a lost puppy. He looked... sad.

You were about to ask what was wrong, but a knock pounded on your door and interrupted you. North glanced at you shortly, then raced to the door before you could stop him. "Why, hel...lo," he cheerfully greeted your date, but his excitement vanished when he saw who was waiting.

York rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, an uneasy smile traced on his lips, "Uh, hey. I'm here for-" You zoomed passed North, clinging to York's elbow eagerly, "Okay, let's go!" You avoided your roommate's eye contact, pulling your date down the hall before you even said goodbye.

"Have fun, you two!" North cheered down the hall, a scowl replacing his smile as soon as your backs were turned. He was right about one thing. Your date couldn't not keep his eyes off of you. And, it made him mad.


York was a nice guy. That much was absolutely true. And it was also true that he had made his interest in you quite clear early on in your friendship. You, however, always had a reason not to pursue it.

At least, you thought you had reasons. Back then you had told yourself it was because you were a Freelancer, and dating was simply not in the cards. You couldn't expect anyone to have time for that. But, you had begun to feel a little lonely.

Connie and South were certainly enjoying sharing a room together, and Maine and Wash are inseparable. Wyoming was in a relationship with his mirror. North was... fine being by himself, you guessed.

So, you finally decided to give the whole dating thing a shot. And so far, you couldn't help but believe that you had been right all along in not bothering.

York was a nice guy, (super sexy too) and the date itself had been pleasant, but you really couldn't imagine anything going any further with him.

You slid your keycard into your dorm's slot and turned the knob. Maybe if North was home you could down a few of his famous martinis and talk about life before the Project.

North was home. But he wasn't alone. You heard a quiet giggling overlapping the whispers of North's husky voice. You slowly peeked your head around the corner, watching the soldier slowly slide his hand up a girl's thigh as he mumbled in her ear. She was certainly enjoying it.

You felt sick. The girl's eye flashed towards the door, and she gasped in surprise when she saw you standing there. North became alerted as well, and his smirk turned into a frown when he laid his gaze on you.

Words itched up your throat, but your mouth was too dry to process a sentence. You closed your eyes a moment before turning around and storming out of the room.


The following morning was blanketed by an awkward silence between the two of you. You didn't joke around. You didn't pretend to flirt. You barely made eye contact or spoke much, other than a muttered "Pass the orange juice," from North over the breakfast table.

Your hands brushed as you passed the carton, and you flinched. North abruptly slammed his hand down on the table, his tone filled with rage, "Alright! What the fuck is your problem, (Y/n)?"

"Nothing. I don't have a problem," You didn't look up from your toast. "Bullshit," North spat, folding his arms and leaning back in his chair, "You haven't been able to even look at me since you walked in yesterday. So, what is it? What's your problem?"

You felt it again; that horrible tightness in your chest as the memory of the night before flooded your mind. North's hands all over that stranger, giggling and smiling at his touch. You shuddered.

"You have your own bedroom, you know," you muttered coldly. The soldier looked completely taken aback, "What? You can't be serious!" The front legs of North's chair fell to the ground with a loud thud. "You're allowed to go on a date with my friend, but when I bring a stranger home, it's forbidden?"

"That's different," you insisted angrily your voice working without your brain's consent. North scoffed in disbelief, "How? Because, it's not you?" Stammering over your words, you were shocked at his statement, "W-what's that supposed to mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean," North got to his feet, his chest heaving with angry breaths. It was so rare to see your roommate like this. It scared you.

There was a moment of silence, and you noticed your knuckles were white around your fork. You released it and your hand stopped cramping immediately. Without saying another word, you stood up from the table. Your wooden chair skidded across the floor, making North cringe.

And, then... You just stomped out the door.

part two coming very soon!

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