dr. grey x doc

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this one's requested by RobberyProductions i hope you love it as much as i do!!!! i've waited so long to do this one shot!

"Alrighty! You'll all good to go!" Dr. Grey chirped, patting the wounded soldier on the head. "I can't feel my arm," the man groaned, gripping his gunshot injury with a hand covered in dry blood.

"That's all normal!" She reassured, rushing him out of her office and slamming the door behind him. "Oh my goodness," Emily sighed as she slid down the door, huffing with exhaustion as she stared aimlessly at the stack of papers that covered her desk.

Dr. Grey racked her brain for any ideas that would help her avoid the busywork. Her finger tapped the side of her temple as she thought. "Might as well get some coffee if I'm gonna be up late finishing all this work!" Emily shrugged as if she would fool herself that she wasn't stalling.

The doctor strolled down the hallway, not really in much of a hurry to get back to her office. A familiar face stormed down the corridor, and Grey's expression lit up when she saw him. Before she could greet him, he pushed past her and almost knocked her to the ground... He didn't seem to notice.

"Hey!" Dr. Grey whined as she snarled at him over her shoulder, "Frank!" The medic snapped out of his grumpy trance, only taking a moment to glance up at her, "Huh?"

"Are you okay?" Emily tilted her head, concern flowing through her veins. Doc's lips twitched into a smile. He gazed at the way her eyebrows furrowed in question, the way her eyes twinkled even more when she was intrigued, the way she blew her follicles out of her eyes when they fell in her face...

The way she looked like she actually cared.

Before he was about to spill his problems, he shook his head. No. This was not her issue. He didn't need to burden her with his dilemmas.

"It's fine. I can handle it myself," he tried to show a polite smile, almost apologizing when Emily frowned at his sudden mood. "Hey," the doctor grabbed him by the elbow before he could walk away, her grip surprisingly firm, "You're not alone."

Her statement kind of made Doc wake up; it suddenly make him think she could see inside of his brain. After a few moments of Emily watching the medic stutter and gulp, she smiled.



"So," Emily beamed as she sat on the edge of her desk with a cup of steaming black coffee in her hands, "What's up, doc?" Doc sat in a chair in front of her, their knees almost touching. The medic could practically feel her body heat radiating on to him... Or, maybe it was just his nerves.

"Haha, very funny," Frank rolled his eyes, taking a swig of his own coffee with cream and sugar. A moment of silence passed where Doc just gazed at Emily, deciding on how he should start off by telling her what's been bugging him. Her legs dangled over the edge of the wooden desk, swinging softly back and forth.

He loved the way she always looks so carefree.

Doc snapped out of his trance once again, and the words just came tumbling out when he matched her eye contact, "All I do around here is sit around. I don't have patients, I don't have paperwork, I don't have any company. I'm alone..."

Emily's eyes were suddenly wide, because she knew she had the exact opposite problem.

"I'm alone and I'm useless. I bet if I disappeared, no one would even notice," the medic spat, abruptly standing up from his chair and stomping off to a corner as if his problems would stay in the chair and leave him alone. "That's not true," Emily immediately rebutted, setting her coffee cup down on her desk.

"There's no point in tying to convince me. I'm not like you. I don't have people needing me every moment of every single day. It must be nice to feel wanted," Doc grumbled, eyeing her stack of paperwork that swallowed every inch of her desk.

The doctor stared at the ground, her feet now seizing to sway happily. "I wouldn't know," she bitterly chuckled, no smile crossing her lips whatsoever. "What?" Doc baffled over his shoulder, turning around and staring at her in shock.

"I wouldn't know what it's like to feel wanted. I mean, I have patients and a booked schedule. But... I can't remember the last time I got a thank you. Everyday is just complaints after complaints. No one stops to see how the therapist feels," Dr. Grey showed Doc a sad smile, which made the medic's heart shatter in guilt and sympathy even more.

"I just feel so..." The girl trails off, searching for a word to describe her problems and feelings. "Unappreciated?" Doc finishes her sentence without hesitation. A smirk forms on his lips, and Dr. Grey lifts her gaze to his in surprise.

Before she could respond, the medic abruptly rushed forward. He placed both of his hands on either side of her on the surface of the desk, almost making Emily fall backwards in shock. His lips locked with hers, and for once she was speechless...

Maybe their problems weren't so opposite after all.

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