caboose x reader

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this is a fluffy one for trashrific I smiled so much while writing this!!! I hope you love it!

(takes place after the war on chorus where everything is happy and pure and perfect and normal)

reader: neutral

This was your favorite time of year.

You enjoyed the cold weather. You enjoyed the rain, the occasional wild snowstorm, and you needed the renewal brought by the holiday just as much as the rest of the city.

Christmas brought out the best of people, scattered kindness over the dingy streets and put food in hungry bellies. You knew not to trust that spirit of charity to last, but you appreciated it.

There was a lot of good done during the weeks leading up to the holiday. Giving toys to kids who need happiness and food banks filled. The world was just a little less dark, even if everyone didn't celebrate Christmas.

Your favorite carol was playing on the radio, and you hummed along to the tune. The sweet scents of cinnamon and sugar swirled around the kitchen, tangled with the slow, melancholy notes of winter and wonder. String lights glittered in the windows, a thousand twinkling stars, gleaming misty against the rainy night.

The full moon shone through the dark clouds, the light beaming through your window. The rain made a relaxing pitter-patter on the glass, and you sighed joyfully.

The bell over the front door jangled and you frowned. It was too late for guests.


You grinned, setting down the soapy plate into the sink and wiping your hands off on your apron. There was a sort of nervousness in your boyfriend's voice, like he just broke your favorite vase.


You walked quickly through the quiet house. You were worried about him; he usually didn't come home this late from Wash's house.

"I got you something," Caboose called, apprehensive.

"A present?" You two weren't the most predictable with gift giving. Impulsive tokens over the course of the year, little things that caught your eyes, made you think of each other. But Caboose was always forgetful about anniversaries and holidays; Hell, it was rare for
him to even remember what day it was.

"Maybe," he giggled, and a whimper was heard from around the corner.

"If there's a bow on your head again, I'm keeping the gift I got you," you teased, smirking to yourself as you tossed your apron on the couch when you passed.

Caboose laughed, an excited and childish tone in his voice, "You got me a present?" He sounded justifiably surprised.

"Maybe." You rounded the corner, feet stumbling as you skidded to a sudden halt.

"If you don't want her..." He was soaking wet, and somewhere along the way, he'd lost his hat. His dark hair was plastered to his head and there was a scratch across one cheek. There was also a puppy in his arms, her patchy coat just as wet as he was and her eyes just as bright.

"If it's too soon," Caboose stared at the ground, shuffling his feet uncomfortably, "I understand. I'll find her a home, but-" The puppy turned her face up then, pink tongue swiping across Caboose's lips a moment before he closed them. He held the puppy a little away from his face, and bussed a kiss to the top of her dirty head.

"Shhh..." he whispered to the tiny, wriggling dog. "Give me a chance to talk."

His cheeks puffed, and he looked to you with saddened eyes. If it had been too soon, if you had wanted to resist the puppy, you knew that you couldn't tell him no.

"I'll find her a good home," he said earnestly, over curiously pricked ears. The puppy whined in his arms. "I will," Caboose insisted.

"I don't think that'll be necessary," you murmured. "Where did you find her?"

"Eating out of the trashcan next to Agent Washingtub's house," He let the dog lick him again, then regretted it when he remembered where he found her.

"Alright," you nodded, "Let's see what we've got." You held out your hands and Caboose passed you the puppy, nearly dropping her in shock when the light fell across her face. She was brindle, with sherry eyes and too many scars for a dog so young.

You blinked away tears. "(Y/n)?" Caboose raised his eyebrows, dread spreading across his heart. You shook your head, blinking away the cloudiness in your eyes. You used gentle fingers to examine her missing patches of fur scattered across her back.

"Will she be alright?" Caboose had shrugged out of his coat. His white shirt was covered in mud and paw prints when he turned back to you, reaching for the puppy as if to protect her from a worrisome truth.

"She'll be fine," you smiled, "She needs a hot bath—so do you, by the way—and some food wouldn't hurt." You could count the puppy's ribs, but her hindquarters were still strong, her chest holding the deep, broad promise of her future.

The puppy squirmed, front paws scrambling for your face, muzzle stretching, tongue reaching. You titled your head back, laughing as you took the excited kisses on your chin.

"What are you going to call her?" You tilted your head, cradling the wiggling puppy in your arms. Caboose stepped close, and tipped his lips down for a kiss that the puppy tried to meet before you could.

You growled softly, nudged the puppy aside with your nose, and caught Caboose's lips briefly.

"We," he corrected. "What are we going to call her?" The puppy whined, butting her head against both of your chins, seeking attention.

You giggled, scratching behind the puppy's ears as you thought. "How about..." You cooed, handing the dog over to Caboose.

"Luna?" You glanced at the full moon outside your window, smiling at the yawning puppy. Caboose giggled, bouncing the dog in his arms excitedly as he nodded.

"I hope you don't mind that my affection won't go to you all the time now," he shyly smiled at you, hugging the dog closer now. You shook your head, brushing the matted hair away from his face, "I don't mind at all."

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