north x reader

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this one's for one of my faves agentwashingt0n hope you like it! I apologize in advance...

(takes place in Project Freelancer)

reader: neutral

It was a simple mission: Infiltrate the base undetected, plant some explosives after retrieving some files for the Director, and then blow the place to pieces.

"You just had to sneeze!" you growled, swerving your pistol left and right to mow down the oncoming wave of soldiers. "There's a lot of pollen here, okay?!" North yelled over the gunfire, sweeping the leg of a close by guard and then shooting him once he landed.

The once quiet and locked down facility was now a living hell. Soldiers left their posts to deal with the two infiltrators, but soon failed once they were utterly destroyed by the Freelancers. The alarms blared in their ears, and a man over the intercom barked order to his men.

All because of a sneeze. If North had listened to you earlier when you told him to take his allergy medicine, you wouldn't be having this problem!

The waves started to slow down now. Switching positions every now and then, you and North stood back to back while you put bullets in people's chests. You two would call out headshots or 360s as if it were a game, chuckling as the other rolled their eyes. Gotta love what you do, right?

Soon, the soldiers than once piled onto the wide open field were now on the floor and there was no one was left to murder. You assumed you were done. Laughing while giving North a high five, you smiled as you pulled him close, "Mission accomplished."

"Mhm," the purple soldier hummed, touching foreheads with your helmet. You both stared into each other's visors, until you saw something. A glimmer on the hill, followed by a creeping figure. "Duck," you simple ordered, and North didn't waste time to question it. They covered this in training.

Trust your partner.
Protect your partner.

The gunshot from the sniper still rung in the air as the purple Freelancer immediately killed him with a single bullet. He let a sigh escape his lips, relief washing over him. That was close.

But he soon realized that it was close. A little too close to home, so to speak. North whirled around to make sure his girlfriend was safe, that she was alright... Your helmet sort of bobbed, backing up slightly as you gasped.

"(Y/N)!" North immediately ran to
you, helping as your legs crippled from under you and you lowered to the ground. "WE NEED EVAC NOW!" Your lover touched a finger to the side of his helmet, screaming for a ride... For a rescue.

Your armor was almost completely drenched in blood, and it was seeping over your stomach onto the gravel. The sun beat hot against the back of North's neck, as he pressed his hands desperately against the wound. Blood still pumped out against his futile efforts to save you.

"It's no use, North," you whispered, shaking your head a little. A trickle of blood ran out of the corner of your mouth. "I'm quitting out of this game," You coughed, still trying to keep that sense of humor of yours as blood splattered across your body.

"No, (Y/n). You can't go. You can't leave me," North began to tear up, but pressed harder on your wound. "Baby, you're hurting me," you wheezed, wincing at the pain he induced.  "Sorry," North eased off, running a bloody hand through his blond hair.

He didn't know what to do. You always dressed his cuts and scrapes; you paid attention in classes about medicine. He knew nothing. North wished he had listened harder, asked about what he didn't understand. He had always thought it would be him being patched up, on death's door first. He was the brawn, you were the brains. He hadn't understood that I had to know these things. All he needed to know was that he needed to protect you... And he failed.

"North," you weakly coughed, grabbing his attention immediately. Your gaze drifted into the skies, "The sun's... shining on me... W-why do I feel so... cold?" Tears poured out of his eyes. It was a beautiful day. But you were dying, and all the sunshine in the world couldn't change that.

He had to stay strong. For you. "God's waiting for you, (Y/n)," North showed a small smile, his voice as shaky as it's ever been. "He knows you're coming home. Angels don't belong here," He caressed your cheek as his tears dripped onto your red stained armor, but you never shed a single tear.

"I'm no angel, love," You whispered, smiling as you shook your head softly. "You're too perfect for me," North insisted, rubbing his thumb against your smooth skin. "North?" you asked again; you loved the way it replayed it in your mind over and over again.

"Y-yeah?" He swallowed the lump in his throat, staring down at you with puffy eyes. "I love you... I-I need you to live for me, okay?" you breathed the words, your eyes softly starting to flutter. Only a moment passed before North spoke up,
"I should've taken that bullet... I should be the one on the ground, not you! I-it was meant for me," he stuttered, his watery eyes now looking into yours, "Why didn't you let me take it?"

"Protect your partner."

A sigh echoed between your lips, then bounced around North's skull, tormenting him. And your chest didn't rise again.

He fell forward into the mess he'd made of your chest, sobbing. He lost you. You. The one thing that kept him together for so long. Blame flooded his mind as he whimpered into your bloodied armor.

He lost you. All because he didn't follow that one rule. The one that you sacrificed yourself for. The one that made him want to hit rewind and start over. The one that made his heart sink with guilt and loss.

Protect your partner.

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