locus x reader (part 2)

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i apologize if this completely sucks XP... my mind kinda went blank...

It had been about a month since Locus had spoken to you or Felix. He had gotten your wedding invitation in the mail, but didn't bother to RSVP. Locus knew he wouldn't be able to do it. After that one night in the restaurant, he just couldn't bring himself to talk to you without breaking down.

His heart skipped a beat when your name popped up on his phone.



He gulped, his breathing hitched as he picked up his phone. The merc closed his eyes and took a deep breath before replying.




He allowed himself to smile a little after you started typing immediately.




I really need a friend right now.

Locus stood up instantly, storming out of his apartment complex. Over the years, he found out exactly what that meant.

Something was wrong.

You needed him. Not just a hang out. No. You needed his presence. You could've picked anyone else. He assumed you were at the house you and Felix shared, and the merc immediately started driving.




I really need a friend right now.

On my way.


Locus anxiously knocked on your door, pacing the front steps until you answered. "(Y/n)," His raspy voice cracked once he laid his eyes on you.

Your gorgeous, (e/c) eyes were now puffy and red. Your silky, smooth (h/c) locks were in a tangled mess. Your adorable nose with little freckles was now red from what he assumed was tissues... and your engagement ring was missing on your finger.

His face contorted with hurt and confusion. "(Y-y/n)?" Locus's shaky, yet stable voice almost made your legs crumble beneath you. Your bottom lip quivered and you ran into the merc's arms.

He immediately wrapped his arms around you, breathing in the scent of your hair. He slowly smoothed out the frizz, rocking you back and forth. You weeped into his chest, not worried about your eye makeup staining his shirt.

After a few minutes, Locus started to get worried that the neighbors might see them and think it was something more than just friendship. "Alright, alright. Let's head on inside," he whispered, gently placing a hand on your lower back to guide you into the house.

You plopped down on the couch, and Locus took the time to make you a cup of tea; He knew you favored tea more than coffee. Grabbing a tissue from the box on your coffee table, you thanked Locus when he handed you a steaming cup of chamomile tea.

"So..." Locus sensed the awkward silence coming along but he stopped it just in time, "What's wrong?" You sniffled, wiping your nose with the soft tissue, "F-Felix." Locus' throat tightened and his palms strengthened into fists. The thought of Felix hurting you sent fire coursing through his veins.

"What about Felix?" Locus tried to keep his voice calm and soothing. "H-he..." You started to break down again, but forced yourself to console your tears. You took a deep breath, and decided to start at the beginning, "We wanted to get married right away. We were supposed to get married 2 days from now... B-but..."

"But?" Locus gently urged you forward, taking your trembling hand in his. "But..." you gulped, closing your eyes for a slight moment, "I was at my parent's house for the weekend to prepare the wedding, and I thought it would be nice to surprise him by coming home early for a romantic evening... But, when I walked in the door... Felix was over-the-line drunk and had Sister, the next door neighbor, on the couch a-and..."

Locus pressed his lips in a thin line and cleared his throat, "Did you walk in on them, uh..." You started to sob again, covering your face with your hands, "Yes!" The merc pulled you into his chest, whispering comforting words in your ear as you poured out your emotions. It took everything he had in himself not to punch the nearest wall.

How could Felix do this? He loved you! It didn't make any sense to you.

But it made perfect sense to Locus. He knew Felix. He knew what he was all about.

The player.
The master of flirts.
The trashcan.
The fuckboy.
The greed king.
The scum you can't scrape off the bottom of your shoe no matter how much you run it along the ground.

The list goes on.

Locus knew Felix couldn't settle down with just one person. That's too little affection. He wants to keep things mixed up. He wants more play things that he can manipulate and trick over and over again.

And you just happened to be his next victim.

"Locus?" You had stopped crying, and now had your arms wrapped around Locus' midsection. "Yes?" His deep voice would've killed you if you hadn't been expecting it. "Will you stay with me?" You felt like a little three year old when you said those words, but you couldn't help yourself... You needed him to be here with you.

"Of course," his grip on your lower back tightened, and you snuggled up to him more. "Don't worry, okay?" Locus hummed, running his fingers through your hair, "It's all gonna be okay. Don't worry."

You listened, allowing your heart to slow down to a steady pace. It was okay. He would protect you. Don't worry. It's all gonna be okay... Locus was always gonna be here.

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