Chapter 22- What To Do?

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Chapter 22

What To Do?

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic and my Ideas


Tomaru smirked as he adjusted on the limb of the tree. "I look forward to this fight, my partner said you were a pretty good fighter." Tomaru called out to her and she narrowed her eyes.

Who the hell is this partner of his?

According to Tomaru it was somebody who had known her... But was part of Grimoire Heart?

She stiffened when name popped into her head and she pushed the thought away. It couldn't be...

Frea curled her fingers, she stiffened when Tomaru was suddenly gone from the limb of the tree. She ducked under his kick from behind and spun around, slicing her 'Energy Dragon Claws' down, only to find empty air.

"Stone Sword." Frea whipped around to see a sword appear in Tomaru's hand, surrounded by gray Magic. He swung out in seconds, and she sidestepped to avoid it. "As I hear it, my old partner caused you a bit of trouble, Shade Demon." Tomaru chuckled and Frea stiffened at the name, managing to avoid another swing of his sword.

"Asuma took down to white-haired woman awhile ago." Tomaru mentioned as he smiled. Frea glared, that must be Mira and Lisanna... "And Rustyrose took down a big guy with a scar on his face, and a woman with glasses wearing green." That's... Elfman and Evergreen...

Frea ducked under another swing of his sword and sweatdropped. How many people are they going to take down? Winning didn't really seem possible considering how many of them had already been beaten... No, we have to win!

"Tell me the name of your partner." Frea growled as she slashed out with her claws and missed again.

"Kasumi the Key Maker." Tomaru growled. Frea's body froze against her will and her mind went blank, as her heart began to pound in her chest. She didn't know why she was suddenly so still, why... Why her name made her freeze...

She snapped out of it in time, to avoid letting Tomaru's sword slash her chest, and it cut her arm instead. Tomaru was smiling wickedly at Frea as she winced and swung out with a clenched fist, a move he easily dodged.

"What's wrong little Fairy? You suddenly look so scared!" He sneered and she bared her fangs at the Dark Mage.

"Scared? Try furious!" She hissed and slashed out with curled fingers, her magic streaming off the tips as it were steam. "Energy Dragon Claws!" Frea smirked as she felt Tomaru's coat tear as she managed to graze the fabric when he moved away.

The wind whistled as Tomaru's sword cut through it amazingly fast, and Frea wrapped her Magic around her hands. Se let out a low hiss of pain as she stopped the sword with her hands, and shallow cuts appeared across her palms.

The dark grey Magic around the sword began to spin and blaze, Frea pushed with her own magic against the blade as she managed to keep it from cutting her more. She stiffened when Tomaru smiled wickedly at her.

"Nobody's tried to catch my sword before," he told her. "But that was a bad move." The grey Magic surrounding Tomaru's sword grew brighter and spun faster all in an instant. "Stone Sword: Explosion!"

Frea was blown backward and she let out a yell of pain, eyes shut tight.

"Teach!" Chase yelled, but had to look away when more mage's came at him.

Frea twisted in air and placed her hand on the approaching ground, to flip and land crouching in the torn up grass. She hissed in pain, her body hurt, and every breath hurt to take, she guessed the blast had cracked or broken a few of her ribs.

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