One hundred and nineteen

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*seven months pregnant*

"Do we have to go?" Antony whinges.

"Yes honey we do" mum frowns.

"Since when do the Leaders and Elders host dinner parties?" Robert asks.

The whole idea sounds absurd! Our family sitting down with the leaders and elders, eating and chatting. Yeah right!

It will probably look like a scene when Julia Caesar getting murdered by his own men.

"Honestly we don't know" dad says.

"Will there be others there?" I ask.

"You three know as much as we do" mum frowns again.

Antony, Robert and I share a look. Thank god Cole came back two days ago and got Emily otherwise she would of had to come.

"Its only eleven, the dinner isn't until six. Go and enjoy the afternoon" mum attempts.

Seeing no other option, we stand up and walk outside.

"What's Julian doing?" Robert asks.

"I'm pretty sure he is on my couch eating all my junk food and watching the lastest Supernatural" Antony smirks.

"Call him up. I have an idea" Robert smiles before walking back inside.

After calling Julian who said he will be here in twenty minutes, Antony and I wait on the front steps.

Robert finally exits the house after ten minutes with a heavily packed backpack.

He doesn't say anything as he walks past us and goes straight to his car. Antony and I share a confused look.

We stand up from sitting on the steps and walk over to Robert, as he shoves the backpack in the boot.

"So what's happening?" Antony asks.

Robert just gives him a smirk before walking past us again and in to the house.

Without a look back he disappears into the house. Antony and I are so focus on watching the door we don't notice Julian walking up behind us.

"What are we looking at?" he asks making us both jump.

Julian starts laughing. Antony shoves him as we both smile.

"Robert is acting weird" I say.

"Ok?" Julian frowns.

Robert then walks back out with another two backpacks hanging from both shoulders.

He spots Julian and grins, "perfect timing. Everyone in the car."

With confused looks we do what he says. After putting the backpacks in the boot with the first one, Robert gets into the driver seat.

I'm in the passenger seat and Antony and Julian are in the back. They tilt their heads towards me.

Understanding their hint I ask, "so where are we going?"

In Love with my Dad's Best Friend.... (A Steamy Romance)[ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now