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"Times up."

I startled awake as Ross was right in my face. "What on earth-" I began.

"Two weeks." He said before kissing my forehead. "It's over, and behind us, and I don't want to go through that shit again." He sighed sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You couldn't wait until I woke up?" I whined rolling back over and pulling the blanket over my head.

I felt Ross lean back to where his back was resting against mine. "I really missed you." Was all he said, making my brain turn to mush.

I sighed, pulling the blanket down and looking over my shoulder and back at him, and he was already staring. "I missed you too." I whispered.

"Scoot over." He nudged me to the side and I complied, feeling at ease once my head was resting against his chest. His hand was dragging lazily against my arm, lulling me back to sleep. "I love you." He said hoarsely.

I hugged him tightly, hoping that this moment could last forever as I buried my face into his chest and mumbled back: "I love you too."

It was as if we were both overcome with relief as we held each other in a tight grip, neither one of us letting up, or tiring out from it.

"I feel like- Like I've been missing a part of me." Ross uttered, almost as if the words came out without him thinking. And I hummed in response telling him to go on as I enjoyed the vibrations of his voice on my cheek.

"I mean, I was a wreak. Nothing was bright or colorful anymore, nothing was funny, nothing really made sense." He twirled my hair in his hands. "but now I just feel... I feel like doing everything." My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "You know?"

I shook my head snorting a bit. "Not really." I sighed moving my head up so I could see my face. "I just feel like doing nothing with you." I smiled before laying my head back down. "That's what I liked." I traced his shirt with my finger. "I liked that we didn't have to do anything to be with each other, I like that I can just be happy in your company."

I shrugged my shoulders. "But I guess I do understand. I don't care what we're doing... As long as we're together."

And this moment,

This was forgiveness.

January 2, 2013

It was like it never happened. It was as if we had never broken up, like that fight had never even happened. We spent the rest of our sophomore year together, we ignored all the drama at school, I even ended up making the honor roll! I mean who would have thought?

And I attended all of Ross' games, football, basketball, wrestling, swimming, track. It was probably the best year of my life.

I'm sorry I didn't write. I was just caught up in the moment of everything around me that I just sort of... forgot I guess?

But to fill you in on what's happening in the present, it's Christmas break, we go back to school on the 6th.

And since the honors courses I took last year were so easy, I signed up for all honors courses this year and even got assigned AP courses as well. Maintaining a 4.3 gpa isn't easy but I get by.

Piper moved out three months ago after getting in touch with some relatives in the country that wanted guardianship over her. That was a bad day for me, and the rest of the house. But we still talk and I can now video chat with the laptop Ross got from working.

Yep, Mama Vi cut him off and said, and I quote, "Time you started paying for your own damn gas."

He works on this farm five miles down from us, the owner is getting up in age and he just needed someone to tend to everything, and Ross makes pretty decent money. Enough to spoil me apparently, which pisses me off.

Me. myself has changed a lot over these past couple months. I cut my freakishly long black hair, and it's now mid-length and really wavy much to Ross' pleasure, I bought myself some more clothing items, deciding to dress... a little more myself rather than someone I was trying to be. I went out and bought myself a pair of wedges, now that was really a step up!

And I'm pretty sure everyone is curious as to how mine and Ross' relationship is going.

Well I'm here to assure you that it's great, fantastic really. Here I am still waiting for some kind of meteorite to come and strike me down, because I haven't had happiness like this in... well I never had happiness like this!

It's weird. The beginning of this journal almost seems like a different world, I mean, I could never forget all of those past experiences that felt like utter hell, but those experiences brought me to where I am today, and I can totally say that I am beyond happy... I'm ecstatic.

"You're writing again?" Ross peeked over my shoulder and I closed the book so he couldn't see and I kissed him on the nose.

"Yeah, I kinda missed it." I shrugged.

Ross laid back down. "Then write to your hearts content, don't stop on the count of my presence." I rolled my eyes an shoved him.

"Lets go get lost." I said rolling over him and off the bed.

"You better be driving, my legs are still sore from swimming practice."

I simply just rolled my eyes as I helped him off the bed and onto his feet.

"Where are you two headin'? Mama Vi had her hands resting on her hips as she was organizing the bookshelf.

"Anywhere." I shrugged dragging Ross to the door.

"Well y'all be carful, it might snow."

"We'll be back before curfew!" Ross yelled.


And boom, all set up to where I wanted it to go.

The end is going to start rolling near soon I think so just buckle up and bear with me.

I just couldn't go to bed so I typed this whole thing, hope it suffices.

But uh yeah, right now it's currently 11:50 pm

10 minutes until I'm finally 16!

Thanks for reading you guys I really appreciate it.



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