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Thanks so much for reading. This is my second story I've ever started on wattpad and I honestly didn't think it was going to be this long, or that it was going to take this long, lol.

I had started this story when I was in eighth grade, and I didn't know I was ever even going to get the attention that I did. Just know, at one point in my life, this was all I had. Wattpad was all I had at one point, but with this story I grew, I struggled, I changed, I lived. I went through some of the worst times in my life while writing this book, but this was always my happy place. So thanks to all your comments, and votes and messages and support. You'll probably never know how much that truly meant to me.

Start: November 24th 2014
End: January 16th 2018

Word Count: 142,132

A happy ending? You may be wondering. Well let me tell you, that when I had told you about this story having an unhappy ending because sometimes life has an unhappy ending, that actually isn't the case, and you cannot trust the words from my 16 year old suicidal and depressed self. Life has a happy ending. Things aren't always going to be bad, you just have to stick around for things to get better.

I am Aliah Ledesma formally known as cossiscute. Thank you for reading.

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