Chapter 32

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Jess sat in the black abyss not knowing what to do she moved towards a glowing light coming from her right. She looked into the light, a lady with black hair stood holding a baby, she lent over to kiss the baby's four head. The women had tan skin and black hair, her caramel eyes were fill with joy as the baby grabbed her pointing finger. Soon a tall man with blond hair walked over "she's so beautiful" said the man in tears, he hugged the women as they kissed, the baby let out a cute giggle from the cot.

Suddenly a man dressed in blue and silver armour burst through the door "SIR!" he cried, the man looked to the young boy "what is it?" he asked in concern "Commander Thor Sir! Loki is invading and he has an army, he's damaging your daughter" explained the boy, Thor looked to the cot, The women held the baby in her arms. "take her to Mindy and Peter they will take care of her" ordered Thor "i'm not leaving you, i'm THE Irene -holder of peace- and i will fight for my kingdom!" the women exclaimed "JUST GO" Thor said as tears streamed down his cheeks, the women nodded and ran, she wrapped the baby in cloth as she put her blue hood over her head.

She ran though the forest in bear feet until she found a cottage, she nocked loudly on the door. "OH MY" exclaimed the women, "Mindy take her..... raise her....... please" Irene pleaded, she handed Mindy the baby "she has my blood along with Thor please keep her safe" explained Irene before falling to the ground.

"her name is........" before Jess could find out the name of the baby the light disappeared along with the dream


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