Chapter 10

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Klaus pulled up outside of a warehouse and we all got out of the car, I can't believe we were back in this wonderful town, I could see Gloria again, maybe do a little bit of shopping "Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan" I mumbled as we stood side by side looking out at the city lights, I couldn't help but smile, this was one of my beloved cities.

"What are we doing here?" Stefan asked, crossing his arms across his chest, he didn't seem all that pleased to be here.

"I know how much you loved it here," Klaus remarked "Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days" he nudged Stefan who looked confused.

"Blacked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur" I smiled and remembered our days in Chicago, how much fun we had with Rebekah.

"Same for us" I mumbled nudging into Klaus, when he put his arm around me, we shared a look and smirked at each other "you remember all the fun we had?" I asked him and he chuckled before looking at Stefan who was wearing a confused look on his face as the truck holding Klaus' family pulled up slowly.

"Well, that is a crying shame," Klaus said with a smirk "The details are what makes it legend. Word was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely, so he escaped to the city for comfort. It was prohibition. Everything was off limits then, which made everything so much fun."

~~ Flashback 1920's Gloria's Bar, Alex's POV:~~

I sat next to Klaus, and drained the human he had brought over as his 'I'm sorry I was an idiot' present, the women was delicious so I couldn't fault him for that, he knew as soon as I fed I would've forgiven him so as soon as I pulled away from the dead human's neck he pushed his face into my own, sucking and nibbling lightly, moaning quietly I gripped his head and rolled my head around to make sure no one could see as his hand slid up my thigh.

I opened my eyes and looked to Rebekah as she licked a man's face, and made her way towards Klaus and me, I caught sight of the man she had teased and saw it was Stefan, as in my brother who was supposed to be dead, I mourned for him for decades and he was still alive. Straightening up as Rebekah took a seat across from us, I let my eyes linger on Stefan a little while more before looking back at my beloved sister-in-law "Honestly, men these days" Rebekah muttered as Klaus gave me a lingering kiss and looked to his sister.

"Does my kissing my wife offend you, dear sister?" he mocked, he knew it didn't and I knew that she didn't mean Klaus, she was talking about my brother who was now arrogantly taunting another patron of the establishment.

"Do you know who that man was, Rebekah?" I asked before she could reply to him in some snarky manner, I knew she wanted to verbally rip him a new one but my question stopped her, she looked at Stefan and groaned.

"His name is Mr Salvatore, and if my brother hadn't been distracting you, you would've heard Gloria say it" she looked at me and her eyes lit up "wait your last name was Salvatore before you married Nik" she practically bounced in her chair "who is he? A great nephew or something?" she asked.

I cleared my throat and shook my head "no" I mumbled as I realised that Klaus had yet to remove his hand from my upper thigh, in fact, he was now making small circles "no he's my brother" my eyes stopped on Stefan again as he now danced with a girl, he looked different somehow, shadier perhaps?

~~ End of Flashback ~~

"Chicago was magical," I said with a giggle, I did honestly enjoy those prohibition days were things were off limits and people were more reckless with everything, including their lives.

Affair of the Heart (#2 in the Forbidden Series)Where stories live. Discover now