Chapter 13 + Sneak Peak of new book

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Klaus and I stood at the bar, we had a little bet going that if he kept stroking my leg like he was I would jump him in less than 20 minutes, I, of course, had better control over my body then he thinks so if he wins I owe him a payment of his choice, if I win he has to buy me the most expensive bottle of bourbon Gloria owns, Gloria found this funny so she was more than happy to supply the booze in question "I see they've opened the doors to the riff raff now" Klaus mumbled past the rim of his drink, I felt someone brush past my back.

"Oh, honey," my older brother responded with his signature smirk "I've been called worse" I stood up and wrapped my arms around Damon's midriff "good to see you too little sister" I felt his lips press against my head and I leant more into his body, I needed this.

"You don't give up, do you?" Klaus commented, ruining my moment with Damon, I hated to admit this but I did miss my brother, Stefan was such a downer while Damon was easier going and he knew how to joke around to pass the time.

"Give me my brother and sister back... You'll never have to see me again" Damon said as Klaus pulled me against him and held me there so I couldn't hold Damon anymore.

"Well, I am torn. See, I'm married to your sister, so where I go she goes and vice versa. And I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise, you wouldn't be here, so..." Klaus said with a small gesture.

"What can I say? I'm a thrill seeker" Damon smirked, in a blink of an eye Klaus had Damon against the opposite wall by the throat.

"Nik, that's enough, we get it, you're stronger and scarier," I said rolling my eyes, I wasn't in the mood to be in the middle of a pissing contest.

When Klaus didn't move I got closer and saw that he had one of those toothpick umbrellas in his hand, quick as a flash he stabbed Damon in the chest with his and smirked "Oh, dear, what was that? I'm a little boozy, so you'll forgive me if I miss your heart the first few tries" he stabbed Damon again making my brother groan in pain, having had enough of Klaus being a dick I flashed forward and grabbed his arm.

"Niklaus I said that's enough" I pulled on his arm, without looking at me Klaus pushed me aside, causing me to fall onto one of the nearby tables, I heard one of my ankle bones snap as I tumbled to the ground.

"Ohh! No, that's not it. Hmm" he kept stabbing, not looking at me "Ohh. Almost" he mumbled, angling the toothpick so he could actually stab him in the heart.

"You want a partner in crime? Forget Stefan. I'm so much more fun" Damon groaned out "and if you continue Alex will never forgive you" Damon mumbled, I looked on with tears in my eyes as Klaus ignored my brother's last comment.

"You won't be any fun after you're dead" he pushed Damon to the floor next to me, grabbed one of the chairs legs, ripped it off and kneeled on Damon's chest.

"NO!" I shouted forgetting my ankle I sprang forward and pushed him away as Gloria lit the stake on fire with her powers, making Klaus let go of the leg so he didn't get burnt.

"Really?" Klaus said, looking at me and Gloria with murth, he didn't like it when people foiled his murdering plans.

"Not in my bar. You take it outside" Gloria said like she was telling off a naughty child, she walked over and helped me up "come on sweetie, let's go set that ankle right" she helped me hobble out of the main bar, my wound wasn't healing like it should because I hadn't eaten for a while, again.

I listened into Klaus and Damon, just in case I needed to save my brother "You don't have to negotiate your brother's freedom. When I'm done with him, he won't want to go back, and don't even think about Alex, she's mine and I am hers"

~ Later ~

I ditched Niklaus back at Gloria's bar and got to the Warehouse before he and Stefan could, I stepped over the dead guards body and looked around "Come out come out where ever you are" I called to my beloved sister, she was angry at her brother for daggering her back in the 20's and here I was angry at him for pushing me around and stabbing my brother "Come on Bekah, let's team up and hurt dear old Nik" I heard a gust of wind and turned to find Rebekah right behind me.

"Why do you want to hurt Nik?" she asked unsure, all the time Nik and I were together we never fought, and now here I was making a deal to hopefully make her brother regret what he did earlier, sounded unbelievable but hey I was hopeful that she'd help me.

"Let's just say your half brother is a dick and I need my darling, sweet sister in law to help me teach him that we ladies are not playthings" Rebekah raised an eyebrow and then we both shared a chuckle and a smirk.

"Oh my dear sister, I do believe I can help you there" she smiled widely and we both leant in to kiss each other on the cheeks "now, how do you suppose we hurt my brother?"

"Oh, sweet Bekah, I have more than a few ideas" I replied with an evil smirk, I was going to have a lot of fun with this.


Hey, Guys, New update :) I hope you all enjoy it, and I'll be back either this week or next week.

~~ Katt xx ❤︎


Reaper's Love:

You know when people die they say your life flashes before your eyes? If you don't know what that is then, look it up, so, what does that have to do with me?? Well, I'm the reason your life flashes like a really short film. I'm a Grim Reaper.The harvester of souls and taker of life, I'm not the only one out there, oh no, there are lots of us all over the world, mortals just chose not to see us.So why am I telling you all this? Well, I wanted to share my story, so won't you join me?


Tucking my frozen hands into my trench coat pockets I trudged through the sludgy grey dirty snow after the boy. Almost midnight and he decided to sneak out to go to a seedy concert, humans, lives so fleeting that they barely see what lies ahead.

Stepping onto the icy bitumen I phased through a speeding car and watched as it careened straight into the young man, in seconds he was in the air, flipping over the hood and roof of the car before slamming into the pavement of the sidewalk in a bloody pile.

"Oliver Herst," I said quietly as I stepped over the gutter and crouched beside the whimpering heap of human body parts "you have been signed to die, tell me do you still feel the cold of the pavement?" His brown eyes locked onto my golden ones and he whimpered out some unintelligible words and I pulled my death synth out and stabbed it into his chest, there was a flash of shimmering light and his soul floated up into my waiting hand "such a shame" I stood up and walked past the now crumpled car a few feet down from the human I had just relieved of his soul. His killers would live; of course, they always do in cases like this.    


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Affair of the Heart (#2 in the Forbidden Series)Where stories live. Discover now