HayvenHurst part 1

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Just in case you guys were curious this is taking place around 1985

Whitney pov
Michael had bodyguard bring me some kfc. I told him I'll eat when I get home. He reminded me I had to stay with him for while. He promised my mom he look after me. I just nodded. "Whitney you need to eat." He said. I ate some of the chicken. I didn't want to pig out in front of him. I was eating very slow. We were in the Limo. He began to laugh. "What", I ask. "I know you hungry you haven't ate in days,..." He said. I just nodded. "Well eat don't be shy..." He said. For some odd reason it made me relax. He turn on the radio. Billie Jean was playing he was about to turn it off but I grab his hand for him not to. He began to turn red and began to bite on his lips. He seem nervous. "I like this song." I said. I began to sing it. Michael begin to sing along to. When it ended. I continue to eat. I was almost finished. I was so full. "Wow it amazing how much you can eat." He said. I was so surprised. "Well I haven't eaten in a while." He raised his hand up. "I was just joking...." He said adding a chuckle. I laughed a little. "Okay so can I ask you something serious?" I ask him. He just nodded. "Why haven't you release another album after thriller I mean it been almost 2 years?" I ask. He shrugged. "I'm working on one it just. I want it to be perfect." He said. "Well since you making the world wait you have to give me preview..." I said. "I'll think about it...." He has said. I put the chicken bucket on floor . "Come on just a album title least." I said. "Fine. I'm still working on it but I let you listen to one song." He said. I just nodded. Next thing I know. The car makes an unexpected turn. I didn't have seatbelt on so I felled on Michael. He held me. The car came to a stop. "Sorry about that, Mike. We are at Havenhurst." His body guard said. I got up. As the driver open the door. We walk down the drive way and saw two girl sitting on a fountain. I knew both look familiar. I couldn't recall them.

"Hey Janet and Latoya come and meet and Whitney

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"Hey Janet and Latoya come and meet and Whitney." He shouted kinda loud. They ran and chucked. "Oh hey! You must be who mother was talking about coming. I'm Janet and this Latoya..." They said. I shook they hand. "I'm Whitney." I said while shacking there hand. "Let me show you around." Janet said grabbing my wrist. She pulled me in the house but peered out side. "Janet what are u?" I ask. "Shhh! I'm trying to listen to Michael. Come on he talking about you." She said pulling me close to listen. I listen and I heard Michael. "You know she is amazing." He said. "You guys have got to here her sing...." He said. "Michael do you have a crush on her." Latoya said. "Well. I do... She so nice, sweet funny...." He said. Someone cleared their throat. We turn and saw a man.

Right then Janet straighten up

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Right then Janet straighten up. I stood up beside her. "Uhh. Joseph this is Whitney she will be staying with us." Janet said nervously. "Whitney this Joseph our father." She continue. The door open and me and Janet step  in so it could open more. Latoya and Michael stopped when they saw Joseph. "Ummm hello Mr. Jackson," I said putting my hand out for a hand shake. He just kinda grunted and walk away. I don't why he just scared me. I was look at Janet look like she has just been hit or something. "Whitney you okay?" Michel said. I just shook my head. "Janet I show her to her room... I want her to hear something first." He said. They just nodded. "Let go meet my mother." He said.  I never realize how proper they were. I took a deep breath and prayed she was nothing like their father. "Don't worry she nothing like Joseph." He said make me relax. "Mother!" He yelled. Starling me again. "In here Michael!" I head this soft angelic voice call out. We walk in the kitchen to see a walk into the kitchen.

 We walk in the kitchen to see a walk into the kitchen

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I walk in. "Hey I'm Michael's mother, Katherine." She said extended her hand for me to shake. I shook it and introduce my self. "Hello Mrs. Jackson I'm Whitney." I said. "You can call me Katherine." She said. I just nodded. "Well mom, me and Whitney are going to the studio." He said. "Okay also Jermaine is coming over to play is a couple of duets he done with...." Michael cut her off. "Mother, the duets he work with Whitney." He said pointing to me. She just nodded. "You know you came into my house and didn't even tell me work with Jermaine." I heard a male voice and it made me jump. I turn to see Joseph. "Yea. Mr. Jackson I work with him on two with him." I said. "Well tell me. Did y'all ?" He ask. I knew Jermaine had to tell his dad. It one was mistake. I ended it and it only happen once. All We did was kiss. It was late at night and he lean in. I wasn't really ready. It just happen. "No..." I said. He pulled me outside."Joseph she is not your child." Katherine said. "Tell the truth!" He said. "He kissed me but I told no!" I told him. Michael look at me. Joseph had this smirk. He knew me and Jermaine had something special but I didn't like him. "I mean sure we work on music and stuff. Yes the sessions lasted late but I swear I avoided the temptation." I said. "And yet your here with Michael who is suppose to be getting marry to ummmm what her name....oh right she is already or in a relationship  " He ask looking at Michael. I just got out of his grip and ran away from him. I just walk around the the property. Michael called after me but I didn't want to hear it. I wanted to go home. I wanted to be with my mother.
I just walk until I found a gate. I unlock it and walk out of it. I lock it back. I walk around the neighborhood. I came to this pay phone and called my mom. "Hello?" My mother voice rang through the phone. I could tell she was worried. "Mom?" I said. "Nippy?" She said. "Nippy where are you? The Jacksons are worried sick." She said. I look around unsure. "Momma I don't know..."I said terrified. "Baby please calm down." She said. I was on the verge tears. "Mom I want to come home...." I said. "Baby calm down and tell me where you are tell me your surroundings.... Nippy focus...." She said. "Take a deep breath...." She said. "Calm down..... And think of a time when you were relaxed. Before you have an panic attack." She said. I slowly began calm down. I told her the street and gave her some description she told to call her back in an a about 5 mins. It was beginning to get dark and cold. Next thing I know of began to rain. I had tears running down my face. How can I be so stupid. I mean what am I doing here. I wanted to run as hide. After about five minutes of crying a car pulled up. I was terrified. The light shine on me. "Whitney?" I heard someone called. I look up to see Michael running toward me with an umbrella. I hope to my feet. "Come on!" He said grabbing my hand. "Wait! I have to call my mom." I said. "We have a phone in the car you can her on." He said. I just nodded and followed him. I called her as soon as we got situated. Mike showed me to my room and told me a phone was on my dresser. He told me dinner will be ready in a few. I told him I wasn't hungry. He sign and went to his room which was in the other room across the hall.

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