Home isnt the same without you

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Whitney pov
I had an interview with Diane Sawyers. I was going to Rehab but Bobby wanted me to be in his reality show. So I did the interview. I knew it would be about the Micheal's 30th anniversary, but I knew I wasn't in shape. I've been going through so much. I've been gaining a little weight. Micheal has been supportive but we talking a break. I just got done with my rehab. Im so happy. "Mommy!" I hear a voice call out to me. I see my baby girl, BobbiKristina. I hugged her. I couldn't believe how big she was. I got in the Car. My mom was there. "Hey mom?" I said. "Micheal is with the kids." She said. I nodded.  We went to my condo. We clean it up. I was in my room. "This isn't home." I said under my breath. I've been seeing picture of Micheal and he's look way better. I've saw the kids a couple week ago. They been mostly busy with school and blanket it being a crazy. God please help me. I saw a letter on my desk. I open the it. It had a documents in it. I read through it. "I Bobby Brown  give up all my parental rights to...." I was shocked. I called Bobby. "Hello?" He answered. "What is this the documents?" I ask. "Nippy look Micheal came to me." I cut him off. "Micheal and I talk about  it but the fact you actually went out and did it. How I'm I suppose to tell Bobbi Kris this! God, she loves you. She know Micheal not her dad but he treats her no different. Did you sign papers giving up your parental rights on the kids you pay child support that  I been paying for you! My daughter cried her eyes a couple week ago because you couldn't make it to the father and daughter dance but Micheal took her. So yea you right. Micheal is a damn good father considering he does stuff a father should. I never have to beg him to come see her and bring her around with his family. Instead I'm not hanging around and watching her. She happy with the Jacksons. She treat them with respect. They love her unconditionally. She didn't ask to be here. You made that decision for her and for me. God I went to rehab to get help. I can't even bury this anymore. You raped me. You were suppose to protect me." I said. "I know I did but get over it. It happen to me too." He yelled. "Yea. Guess what I would never do that anyone. Especially after it been down to me. You sit her and say it happen to me so get over it. Well guess what it happens to the best of us. It was up to us break the curse. I'm sorry that happen to you. I am, but this what kill me about that is this. Why? Why would you put that burden on someone else?" I said in tears. "Nippy I'm sorry. What can I do to make you forgive me." He ask. "Be a good father. No I don't want your money. Call your daughters and sons. Get clean and most important don't do something bad because it been done to you. He help and therapy. Take a good long look in the mirror and figure it out. I will be praying for you and I want to know I have forgiving you."I said about to hang up. "Nippy thanks." He said. "Your welcome." I said. I turn around to see BobbiKristana crying. "Baby what matter?" I ask. "I had a bad dream you died and I was alone." I shushed her. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon okay." I said looking at her in her eyes. I kissed her. The phone ranged. "Hello?" I replied. "Nippy!" I heard David Gest's voice through the phone. "David." I said. "I know it's kinda late but I'm getting this thing together for next fall miracle on 34th street. We have for two days. We have for December 17 and 19. Please say your coming cause that is the only way Micheal will come." He said. "Fine I'll come. " I said. I hung the phone. "Mommy." I saw my children running toward me. Blanket was getting so big. He almost 4. I kiss them all. "So we are going to have fun." I said. "Where's your father." I ask. "Tour. He almost finished. Just have  about a week or two left." The nanny replied. I nodded.

December 19, 2002
I was so nervous. I got to talk to almost everyone. Micheal didn't show up the first night. David said he handled it. I was back stage. Watching Toni Braxton's performance. "Aunt Whitney?" I heard someone say. I turn to see Tahj. "Hello?" I said. "I'm here with uncle Micheal." He said. I nodded. We haven't talk in while. "Whitney you up next." A producer said. "I'll see you later." I told him. He nodded. He went somewhere. They introduced me. I was looking around I saw Micheal across the stage. I knew he was tired. "And now we have mrs. Whitney Houston." They announce. The crowd went crazy. "I'm actually suppose to present an award to Marc Anthony. " I said. He came one stage and we sung the greatest love of all. After I was don't I walk off the stage. I felt a lot people running toward me and telling me I did an excellent job. I thanked them. I went to my dressing room. I was had glasses on. I heard the door open. I was drinking some water. I turn to see Micheal. He hugged me. I didn't hugged back. "So..." he said pulling away."so..." I said. "Nippy I know it been." I cut him off. "Almost two months. Micheal I love you, but you haven't shown me you care." I said. "I care look I'm sorry." He said. "I don't think I'm sorry will do it anymore." I said looking down at my wedding ring. "Fine when we are both out on that stage the you can either wait in line or walk in front. Stay in line if you want a divorce or walk in front if want be married to me." He said walking out. "Whitney we are doing the curtain call in 5." Beyoncé said. I nodded. They were saying our names I walk it on the stage looking for Micheal. I saw he was waiting for him to announce. They were talking about ghost is backstage. We singing shake your body down. "Let's Welcome the King of Pop, Micheal Jackson." He walk on stage. I walk out in front. When he turn around he notice.

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