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Two weeks ago
Whitney pov
Michael and I have been just traveling. We went to the Middle East and now we are in Ireland. My babies have been growing. I'm only a 4 weeks in and everything is okay with me but Michael and I haven't been on same page. He's more paranoid and everything. The kids are at home school with tutors and Blanket is taking a nap. I got a phone call from Bobby. He hasn't called in months and Bobbi-Kris have been asking about him. "Hello?" I said. "Yo it me!" He sounded high or drunk. "Bobby I will not allow you to talk to our da." He cut me off. "I don't want to talk to her. I wanted to talk to you. Damn." He said. I hung up the phone. I exhale. God we are living in terrible time. I began listening to some gospel music. I was listening to Yolanda Adams Never give up.

I have been so busy. Blanket was still asleep I cuddle up with his little body. Turn off the music. I was about to fall asleep until Micheal walk in. He was drunk. "You drink me into drinking." He said talking to a friend. I hissed them. "Blanket is taking a nap." I said. "Oh sorry." Michael cut off his friend. "Don't you think he needs to be in own bed." He said. "Well I'm going leave. I have to get back to the wife." He said. You could tell he was from Ireland by the way he talk. "Okay take care." Michael said. Michael walk him to the door. I followed them and made sure the door was close. He shut the door. We were staying in his friends guest house. "God I miss you." He said trying to kiss me. I dodge it. "You know I hate the smell of alcohol." I said. My phone ring again. I was about to answer it but Micheal grab it out of my hand. "Hello." He said. "Yo baby! Why you hang up the phone !" Bobby voice echoed through the phone. "What the hell? You and Whitney? This is Micheal!" He said getting kinda yelled. I shushed him. "Stop calling her!" He yelled and hung up. He walk closer to me. "What is he calling you for?" He said walking close to me. My back against the wall. There was hardly any space between us. "Michael did you forget I have a child with him." He cut me off. "No I havent forgot. But you and I know good and damn well that she would be better off without him." He said. His breath on my neck. For some reason this kinda turn me on. I mean Michael cussed but not really. His voice was kinda deep. "He still her father." I said lowly. His lips graze across mine. "I don't care anyway way I want my kiss. Right now." He said. I had on a night gown. It was right above my knee. I felt his hand caress my bare legs. "Michael. Blanket is...." he cut me off with him kissing my lips.

All the sudden, I'm the on wall trying to keep quiet. We are making love. He came. I collapse against him. We both breathing hard. I couldn't believe what we just had done. I mean we had sex in the hall way. I mean we married but God. Micheal pulled up his pants up. I lean against the wall. "Mommy?" I heard blanket. "Yes." I said. He came out the room. "I want juice." He said. "Okay."I said still out of breath. Ran and hugged Michael. He picked him up and followed me to the kitchen. I pour him some orange juice. "Okay well Mommy is going to take a shower. So you be good for your father and your brother and sisters should be here any minute." I said. I kissed Micheal and his forehead. I took a quick shower. My phone begin to ring. "Hello?" I said. "Listen Whitney! I know he husband and stuff but he needs to know." I cut Bobby off. "No you need to know! Michael is my husband and you and I only have one thing in common. That is Bobbi K. Your daughter the only reason you should call me. Check on her and talk to her that is it. No calling me up saying hey ma. Telling me you miss having me around. You know what I'm going to get Bobbi K a phone and you will have her number by the end of the week. Stop calling my phone." I said and hanging up. I felt kinda ill. I ran and threw up. I decided to go lie down. The door open to reveal the kids and Micheal. "Hey Mommy." Mj said. "Hey you guys." I said. I wanted to sleep for a minute. "How was school?" I ask. They all said good. "Whatcha learning." I said."Multiplication, we learn about a lot." The twins said. I giggled. "Okay so who's up for a movie with me?" Micheal said. They all raised their hand. "Okay so kiss Mommy goodnight and lets go get ready for a movie night." He said. I could tell he sobered up, a lot. They all have me kissed and told me good night. "Mommy don't forget to drink the water to help the baby come." Blanket said. Micheal and I chuckled. The kids left out. He kissed my cheek. "Drink plenty of water and relaxed. Take care of my baby." He said. I felt asleep.

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