The intervention

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Whitney pov
I woke up someone knocking. I put in my pjs. I walk and open the door. I saw Katherine, Joseph, and the kids. I let them in. I told them in going to taking a shower. Of course the kids wanted me to stay. I told them five mins. I saw Michael sleep. I took a quick shower. Got dress and relax. The kids and I play. I let Joseph and Katherine know what going on.

Michael pov
I woke up to find Whitney gone. I was back at Netherlands. I was walking around and I saw the little boy. The one who claim I molested him. "What are you doing?" I yelled. "They left you and she's not coming back..." He said before running away. I went to the office and grab he pills. The I saw the a new paper that broke me. 'Whitney Houston broken hearted: Michael love his pills more than me.' I begin to swallow them. Every time I took them I yell her name. "Whitney come back! Whitney!" I yelled: Next thing I know every thing went dark. "Michael!Michael!" I heard a voice.

Whitney pov
I saw Michael staring in his sleep. His parent and the kids just arrived. They were in the living room. Next thing I know I hear Michael talking in his sleep. "Whitney come back!whitney!" He yelled. Katherine, Joseph and I ran in the room. I yelled his name. "Michael! Michael! Wake up!" I said shaking him. He open his eyes. "Baby your here and you are okay." He said. He pulled me close. Hugging me. "Michael..." His mother said. He just started sobbing. "Michael what is it?" I say. I look to see the kids in the door way. "Don't leave me...." He said over and over. I look at his mother and father. They move the kids out the room and close the door. I attempted to calm him down. "Michael I'm here." I said. He hugged me. "I had a dream rage you left and you took the kids and that little boy was  taunting me. The o took all the ." I cut him off. "Is that why you take these." I said. He look and nodded. I  told him to put on his pants and a shirt and follow me. He nodded. He put on his boxers and pants and a shirt. He followed me go where the kids are along with his parents. "I love you Mike. But I'm not  willing to lose you to this. I mean I been through the ringer too. Our kids need you." All the ran to him and hugged him. "Michael I love you and I will be there. I want to marry you again but I can't unless you put these pills and stuff away." I say. "Whitney I want to be with you but the pills help me." I cut him off. "Don't say it help you sleep because last night You were so tired and you went to sleep. Michael you are okay. You are having a hard time to deal with everything." I was cut off by Joseph. "I raised to be a man. Michael, not to fear or worry about small stuff. Michael, you don't need to hide behind these drugs. You know I'm proud of you. You have overcame so much. I mean sure you may not have like the way of discipline you but it made you stronger. Look at you the king of pop. You have beautiful family, talented kids and a beautiful wife.  Michael we just want you here for a long time. I don't want to have here you died because you overdose." Joe said . His voice kinds broke at the end. "Michael you can tell me lot us anything but you need help." Katherine said. He nodded. He look at me. I knew it one of these moments I had to compromise. It was either his way of the high way. "Michael I have a therapist that will travel with you. You will have a schedule, routine. Now if you agree to this Michael it's going to be hard but it will get better." He cut me off. "Fine, but I only get the help if you marry me?" He said. "what?" We all said together. Prince just shrugged and went back on playing with Michael's  hats. While the twin were playing with their toys. Bobbi Kristina  was sleep. "Michael, I." Katherine cut me off. "Michael she been planning the wedding at home. She been working hard on this wedding. Also, I heard you and her wanted to wait until the baby is born. What are you?" He cut her off. "No I'm will do everything but I need to know she is mine. That she will stay." He said. He look sad. "Michael  I love you but really? You need help and I want a real wedding. I want to?" He cut me off. "Do you have the plans with you." I nodded. "Good because we have things to do. We going to plan the best wedding in a day." He said. He got the phone. "So while I call every one to get them to come you and mom got shopping get the dress. The kids will go with you. Joseph and I will go get our tuxes. I tell our family to get on a plane." He said. I look at the time. 11:30 am. "Michael how are we going to be ready for wedding and what time." I ask. "No later than 8.that the kids bed time." He said. "Okay don't lets going buy a dress." We have a wedding to plane. Less 12 hours. I called my mom and she told me Gary and Michael will walk down the aisle. We just planned by phone. I got dress.i was trying on dresses. Bobbi Kristina finally woke up. The kids had fun helping momma try on dress. I came out and Prince was like momma no way. I laughed. The girls was like not this one. After an hour we found one. It was so gorgeous. Katherine said that's it. The the kids said yes!" The. We pick their clothes out. They were super happy. I end up having to relax because my baby boy had been moving a lot. Katherine look at me. "You okay?" She ask. "Yea for some reason little guy here wants to move around a lot....." I said patting my little bump. She smiled. We got the dresses and stuff. When m mom showed up we pick her and Kathryn and out fit out.

Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston: The king of pop and The voice Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu