The wedding

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Whitney pov (Sept 30, 1998)
I walk up and lol in the mirror. I couldn't believe Michael had a wedding planned least than a day. He said when we get home we have to get married in a court house to retain a license but it will be fine. I was getting ready. I'm was super nervous. Do I want to spend the rest of my life with Michael? Then I couldn't imagine my life with out him. I felt a rugged on my legged it was Bobbi Kristina. I couldn't believe it had been that long ago. She will be two in a couple of months. I ran my hand over my belly. The baby was very active. "You know it's is funny. Most people get to meet or marry their  first love in a couple of days. I get to marry mine twice. He's the only man that matters. I love him so much. He accepted my flaws and healed my wounds. Broke down every wall I have put up or attempted to put up. Never walk away when I was down. Lifted me up and most importantly taught me  lessons I will never forget." I said rubbing my tummy and watching the kids play. I felt someone hugged me. "It time." My mom said hugging me. I was so nervous. We walk into this gorgeous  room. I could see light and angels. Everything on my list was completed. I look to see Michael in this amazing tux as his and my brother sand put son stand on one side and put daughters and his siblings and friends and more on the other. My older brother, Gary gave me away. All the sudden it felt like the wedding we had at Neverland. Michael's nieces and nephews running around. My dad walking me down the aisle. I smile realizing he can't do it this time. I look up and saw Michael he look like he knew what was my mind. He smiled making me smile. I made it to him. I handed my flowers to Robyn. I smiled at Michael. I grab his hand. "If anyone have any reason why these two shouldn't not be join together, speak now or forever hold your peace." I took a deep breath. Praying no one would object, but that was intercepted when Jermaine cleared his throat. Then Michael have him the side eye cutting him off. "Well, not that settle, who give this woman to man?" The preacher ask. "We do."my mom and Gary stood up. I smiled. He preceded on with all the reading of the scripted."Love is patient....." I was so nervous. Michael squeeze my hand. Then we continue to gaze into each other's eyes. The. We had to say our vows. "Whitney every thing you do or say amazes me. You allow me to continue smiling. You make the rainy days seem like the clearest. Every time I see you my We belong together Whitney  Houston and Michael Jackson skips a beat. Your voice give me chills. I pray for you more than my self. You see through me and you found everything I tried to hide. You constantly keep me laughing. Never once trash me or hurt me. You gave me more than I could imagine. Whitney Elizabeth Houston, I Love you." He said making me cry. "Whitney it your turn." The pastor said. "Michael, I love you. You help heal in place I didn't know was broken. Taught me a lots of secrets. Loved me past and beyond my flaws. Accepted my daughters as your own. Encourage me when k felt discourage. Made me smile when the perks wasn't watching. Continue to allow me to grow. Gave your self to me. Love me past it all. God bless me with a man like you. We all have put flaws but never once did you hold
Against me. Michael, I love you so much." I said. We continue by the place the rings on our fingers. "I now pronounce you husband. "And wife you may kissed the bride." The preacher said. Michael have me the most passionate kiss. I had remember the kids were here and our parents. He pulled away and smiled. I felt someone hugging on my legs. It was my baby Bobbi K. Michael pick her up. I smiled. We walk out the church. We let the kids get in the car with us. It was around. 6. "I can't believe you put the wedding together in a day." 1 said smiling. "Well I had help." He said smiling. He kiss my lips. I look to see Prince falling asleep. "Why don't we go put this kids down at the hotel and the. Go to the reception.
Michael bath the kids while I got them dress. We put then asleep. I told the security to go check on every  hour or two. He nodded. I told we probably won't stay long. Michael and I went to the reception. We had fun. Enjoying our friends and family. I walk around the room greeting everyone. I felt someone grab my shoulder. "Hey Whitney can you perform that songs like?" Janet ask. "Of course which on is that." I said l. "I believe in you me." She said. I nodded. I ask my brother Gary to play the piano. "Okay so Janet had been asking me to sing a song all night but it just so many. So many, but she found one I think is quite suitable for this special night." I said. Michael just smile. My brother begin to play. I sung the song.

Michael and I decided to go home. He told me his plans for therapy and how to rehearse. He was telling me his game plan for the next couple of months. He told where all the drugs were in the house. We went to the hotel room. We made love. I woke up next to Michael. I hated I have to leave but I have a doctors apartment in a couple of days. I was in tears. Michael woke up. "Hey being married to me isn't so bad is it?" He said making me laugh. "No I just don't want to leave today. I'm going to miss you....." I said.  He nodded. "Yea but your need to go to this doctors apartment check on my baby boy. Plus get the house ready for another new arrival." He said touching my stomach. I nodded knowing he was right. "Now I'm going to go see what this kids are doing. He took a quick shower and got dress. He threw his towel at me. "Michael!" I said still kinda sleepy. He chuckled and left the room. I got up and took a long shower. I came out to see the kids playing with Michael. He was so happy. It was 11. I ask if the kids ate. The security said no. I order them pancakes and some fruit. I order me some fruit and pancakes and Michael, eggs bacon and some pancakes. I got dress and got their stuff ready. The food arrive but right when we was fixing the guy that brought it up grab the camera. He begin to snap pictures. "What the hell! Get him out of here and destroy the camera." Michael yelled. The security team grab the camera and threw him out. I hug on the kids. They were all crying. "Daddy!" The girls yelled for Michael. He was so upset. "Michael!"I yelled. He came and got Paris and Nicole. Prince calm down but Bobbi K wasn't having it. They calm down and we are breakfast.

Author note: the next chapter is called the goodbye.

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