The bodyguard

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Whitney pov
I began to fill unsettling. There's been rumors of Michael. I mean hey call him wacko jacko. They saying our marriage is a cover up. I been doing countless interviews getting ready for the release of the body guard. It been 2 months, November sense my miscarriage and I think I'm pregnant again. I'm just so scared. I'm praying to God. I will be okay. I been taking it easy as I can. I know I have to see Kevin at the premier. I was looking for Michael. I went out to his tree. I saw him and Prince playing  under it. I couldn't believe my baby was walking. I was just watching them. I was getting kinda sick. Michael saw me and got up. I ran back in the house to the nearest restroom. No more than two mins I hear a knock. "Whitney!" Michael said opening the door. He was alone. I could tell Prince was somewhere else because I could hear him whining. He was crying for Michael. "I'm fine just a little sick...." I said about to vomit again. He rub my back. He grabs one tissue. I was beginning to feel a little better but a little weak. He pick me up. He took me to the room. He sat me on the bed. He went to get a thermometer and water. He came back and he look at me. "Michael you don't need that give me my purse." I said. He handed me the water and wet to get my purse. I went through the it. I got the two the pregnancy test put my purse. I begin to cry. He sat beside me and hugged me. "I don't want to lose another baby." I said crying. "No matter what I will be there." He said grabbing my hands. "Mike I don't think can survive another miscarriage...." I said in tears. "We won't know unless you take the test."I was anxious and scared. I took both of the test. I came back to see Michael and Prince talking. "Dada." He said laughing. I smiled. I was in tears at this point. Michael was playing with him. He will always make me laugh. He make me feel so happy but I know if I give him another false hope he will leave. I praying to God everything is okay. The timer went off. Michael look at me. He turn on the tv and made Prince watch it. I went back to the bathroom:m. I couldn't look at it. He just nodded as I lean against the wall. "Your pregnant...." He said smiling. I just shook my head. "I'm scared...." I said. "Of?" He said walking closer to me. "Of losing...." I said. "Of losing what?" He said. "Us. This life we built is hard. I don't want to be the one ruins it with these miscarriages and...." I was crying hard. He wrapped his arms. "I will never let you go. Whit. Your the only person I love. I mean been through it all. I have seen the hurt and pains I have watch you go through it all. Yet you come out stronger. We have been fighting hard especially against rumors. I wanted you to know I will always love you. I can't imagine not having you in my life....." He said kissing my lips. "Mama! Dada!" Prince scream. We went to see Prince jumping on her bed. "Hey little man why don't we watch a movie....." He said looking at him. "No!" Prince said. He reach for me. "How about we go and play out side." I say. He nodded. We went out side. It was a little chilly. I was half way asleep until Elizabeth came over. She smiled when she saw me. She was talking to Michael and I knew he told her. "Whitney how are you?" She ask smiling. "Great and you ." I said. "Fine and are ready for the movie premier."I just shrugged. She nodded. We talk about stuff caught up. She told me to take it easy. I was about to sleep until I felt some water hit my chests I got up and saw Michael and Jr laughing with their water guns. I smirk. I found some water balloons and begin to get Michael and Jr. They were running and screaming. I couldn't help but laugh. We went in to sleep and relax.
The premier
"Whitney! Michael over here!" They yelled as we were taking pictures on the red carpet. My mom brought my son. He had tux along with a mask. They snuck in the back. I had to do an interview. "Whitney, how do you feel about this movie?" She ask. I saw Kevin approaches me and his wife. All those flash back came to me. "Umm over all I'm just happy it's over and I can breath and I hope everyone enjoy it." I said very nervous. Michael wrapped his arms around. "How was it working with Kevin?" The interviewer said. "Ummm like I said in countless other interview it was good and it was fun...." I said trying to leave before Kevin got close. "So Michael are you proud of you wife."she said. "Very." He said kissing me. As soon as he did that Kevin ask if we can takes picture with him and his wife. I nodded. Michael never left my side.  We watch the movie and relax.

Michael was not happy. When he realize that we had a sex scene. We argued all the way home. I sleepy in the guest room. I had a doctor appointment in morning. I couldn't sleep at all. I was crying because I think he might leave me. I mean I did have to do sex scene but he raped me. Was it my fault. I went in my room and look Michael's drawer. I had a major headache. I found some Tylenol. I was about to close it until I saw a bottle of Xanax and Codeine. I look at the bottles. It was very low. I look through the draw and saw more. I could believe this. I took all the bottle and flush them. I put them on the dresser. I woke Michael up."whit are you." He cut himself off. "What the hell! I though you quit the drugs!" I yell. "I did! Whit. I swear I. Ever took a pill since that day." He said.
Michael pov
I look in her pleading. "Then how did they?" She cut her self off and ran out the room. I followed her. She went to video room. We installed a camera out side a room a month ago. I came in to see her. She and I saw the last peeps. We suspect, "Liz?" She said just above a whisper. I couldn't believe it. I look at her. She look at me.

Whitney pov
Why in the hell. I was up all night. She plants the pill bottle. I told Michael don't trust anyone. We slowly trying to leave the public eye: we been focusing on our music and our newest members.

2 months- Jan 15 ( she's four mths pregnant.)
I'm huge and every thing. Every thing is okay. I been getting nominated for many awards. We found these genders last week. Yes were having twins. Both are girls. We decided on Kristanna Katherine Jackson and he want to call the other one Paris. He says because they will out little peace of paradise. I think it cute. Prince is doing everything and is so active. Katherine has move in for a while along with my mom. She's helping me around the house and with Prince Michael. We were all enjoying time together. The doorbell ring and loud knocking was on the door. I was snuggle up with Michael. I grab Prince and Michael went to answer the door. He open the door. My mom got Prince from me. "Mr. Jackson?" An officer said. Michael look taking back. "Yes how may I help you?" He said smiling. "This is an a warrant for your arrest. You are under arrest for child molesting charges." He officer said reaching for his cuff. He slam Michael on the ground. I was pissed. He was so ruff and Michael wasn't refusing to go with him. "Daddy?!" Prince was screaming. "No! What ! He didn't do this!" I said Katherine pulled me back. "Michael!" Katherine said. "You have the right to be silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you in court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have read to you?With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?" The officer said. I look to see paparazzi shouting and taking pics. Prince was fighting my mom. She put him down. "Daddy!" He scream. I heard him back. It was the hardest things. Tears was running down his face. "Prince be strong and daddy will be back." He yelled. He had tears coming down my face. I been trying to make sure I wasn't in early labor or suffer another miscarriage.
30 mins later
"Mom I have to get down there." I said. "Katherine is with him plus he said he didn't want you down there...." She said. "Mom.... I'm fine." I said feeling a little pain. "No Whitney sit down. Your not due until two months...." She said. I sat on edge of the bed and did some breathing. Until the pain eased. I told her fine. I look for a good attorney. Prince was asleep. I let him sleep with me in Michael and I rooms. I was so restless. I was praying he can come home and this is over. I was about to be asleep until I heard the door open. I look to see Michael. He look pitiful. I got up and hugged him. He just wrapped his arms around me. "Your going to make it through this." I said. He kissed my cheek. "Let just go to bed plus we need to get ready for tomorrow." He said. "For?" I ask. "They coming to search the house tomorrow." He said handing me the warrant. I just nodded and we went to sleep.

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