The truth

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Whitney pov
"I can't believe you told her!" Michael yelled. "I had too." I yelled. "Why?" He yelled. "I may die!"I said. "Not today nip." He yelled. I pulled home out side her room. "No not today, but if I do. Or when and if it's before you. I want you to know he truth. Know that I love you and if I left you alone. With no one knowing. I couldn't live with my self. Mike." I said grabbing his hand. "I can't pretend that I don't want to live and see our kids grow up or see you everyday. How selfish it would be to leave you alone. Baby I don't want to leave like this. I don't want you to be upset. Baby, I'm not dead yet and since I'm not and if I do I wouldn't never forgive my self if I don't tell you what you have done for my life." I said with tears running down my face. "Nippy." He said wiping my face. "No, I just need you to listen. Just listening." I said looking him in his eyes which were a little red because he was crying earlier. "Michael Joseph Jackson, you are the most extraordinary person I met. You try to see the good and light and everyone. You think it's your downfall. It was make you amazing mike. You love. Your give everything your all and yet your not satisfied. You are perfectly imperfect. Every time you walked in the room your took my breath. No matter how mad I was or how many times I saw you. Your smiled hides the pain you tried to bury. You are and were an amazing father. An amazing husband and a good son. You loved me even when I didn't I love or know who I was. You showed me how much God love us all. You accepted me as I am. Love me through it all. Your have to know you are wonderful. You deserve to live your life. You deserve peace, but it not enough for me to believe it. You have to believe it. Mike." I said. He kiss me. He wiped my tears. "You know you deserve it too. God wouldn't want you to suffer." He said. "I know he wouldn't mike but one day he will end this. I just pray he doesn't say depart from me." I said. "Shh let not discuss it." He said kissing me. "Mike your mom is right in the room." I said in between kisses. "Yea. I am up too." I heard a Katherine's voice. I pulled away from Michael. He smiled. "I can't believe your alive." She said hugging Michael. "God!" She said examining his face. "You look happy and at peace." She said. "I am." He said. I smiled. I felt a little dizzy but didn't want to ruined the moment. "I'm going to leave you guys alone. I'm going to take a nap." I said. "Are you okay?" He ask. I nodded. "Just exhausted from all the meeting making sure all the kids get to there activities and playing a widow." I said. They both nodded. "I'm going to go and relaxed." I said. They nodded. I went and got my purse. I went into mikes and I olde bathroom. I got the pills the doctor prescribed. I look at them. I was looking at the name sound and look so familiar. I was wondering where I saw it last.

I was cleaning up. I was so bored.
Michael hadn't let me do much. I was pregnant with the twins. I was cleaning out the medicine cabinet. "Hey Michael!" I yelled. "Umm he just went to rehearsal." Said the doctor, Bernard. He was the one before Murray. "What is this medicine?" I ask. "It's for someone with a heart disease." He said. "Umm who does it belong to?" I said. "Umm, I not at liberty to say. Considering I treat all the Jacksons and I um know all there history." He said clearing his throat. I nodded and put it back.

I looked around the room. I open the cabinet. I saw nothing but pills. I read it. It was the medicine. I gasp. I put it back and took my medicine. "He lied to me." I said go myself. He told me he had a great report but I knew he was lying. He probably didn't want to bother me with a high risk pregnancy. I was sitting down tears rolling down my face. "Hey Whitney what is going on?" He ask. "Something wrong with Your heart too?" I said look at him. He look shocked. "How did you." I cut him off. "I was about to take my medicine, and I saw the name. I thought this name look familiar. I wonder where I saw and I remember. I was bored and pregnant with the twins and i saw the medicine. I ask the doctor but he said it confidential to you and your family. Since he was all of your doctor." I said. "I'm doing okay. The medicine help and Gods knows. Your going to be fine." He said. I kissed him. "Is there anything else you are hiding?" I ask. "No other than. I think we should tell the kids in about a year or two what we did." He said. "Maybe." I said kissing him. "Okay, well mom and I are going for a walk and you get some rest." He said. I nodded and change some clothes. I laid back on the bed and let the darkness and tiredness consume me.

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