The dark cloud

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Whitney pov
I saw the negative and was so relieve. I know it sound bad but another baby is too much. I saw Michael's face. I knew he was relieve too. "So are you okay with not being." He said. I nodded. "I love the kids but we have our hands full." I was cut off by mj coming  in the room. He looked upset. He's been like this every Sunday. "Baby what wrong." I said. "I don't want to talk about it." He mumble. I mean every time he had to go back to school. I decided to schedule a meeting with his teachers after school. Michael had been trying but he been shutting is out. I just want him to tell us. The girls on the other hand, we can't get them to shut up. They ask a lot of questions. Bobbi Kristina is more like MJ. She liked to keep to herself. She loved to play though. I sat down and looked at him. "Baby what wrong?" I said. "Did dad?" He started off. "I took a deep breath. Michael walk over to him. "Let me guess. Someone been picking on you." He said. He nodded. "Okay what is they are saying." Michael ask. I darted my eyes at him. "That you do stuff to little boys." He said in tears. "Okay I'm going down to school and I'm going to beat those boys." Michael cut me off. "Apples!" He shouted. "I will go up there and have a meeting with the boy's parents and the boys." He said. "But these kids are not going to keep getting over in my son." He cut me off. "Mj, why don't you go to your room and ummm we talk about this later." He said. Mj nodded and left. "Baby violence never the answer." He said. "Fine we can homeschool them." I said. He looked at me. "No why don't we consider putting the kids in a private school. One who will not call them by there birth name. Like give them fake names to protect there identity." He said. I nodded. "Find we go search for a better private school." I said. He nodded.

2 months later
The kids love their new school. I mean we have there friend over and everything. I was doing stuff until u found a note. 'Secrets Can be uncover! Pay or one of the kids will suffer. It was pictures of the kids without the mask.' I stomp my foot. Blanket was sitting in his high chair. Eating some Cheerios. I fix the kids some breakfast. Woke them up for school. Mj was the first one up. He love his school. Bobbi Kristina was normally the one up. I went to her room and check on her. She was a little warm. I went as check on the twins so we're they. I got the nannies to check they tempt. I went to go and get Michael. "Hey Michael?" I said. He was at his desk staring at something. "Hey baby. What's wrong." He said. "Well 3 of our kids are sick." I said. He got up. "What?" He said. Michael is very clean and organized. I mean he literally have the kids toys throwaway or sanitized. "Which one is it?" He said walking to the room. All the sudden one of the twins came out there room. They stop in front of Michael and I. Next thing I know they throw up. It was all over our clothes. I didn't care. I took her to her room. I got Michael and I a towel. I went and took a shower. I got dress. Michael clean up the messed. I got them trash cans and called the doctors. "Okay apartment today at 1." I said. I couldn't help but notice Michael wasn't pay attention. "Michael what wrong?" I ask. He look up. He had tear falling out his eyes. "Michael." I said getting closer him. Next thing I know he punch the wall. "Michael!" I said. "Daddy!" I saw Mj standing there in his school uniform. Michael look at Mj. You could see the sorrow in his eyes. "I'm sorry." He said walking outside. I knew he went to his tree. I had Mj go to school. I went to the tree. He was just sitting there under it in a gaze. I sat beside him. "Do you wanna talk about this?" I ask. "About?" He said his voice whisper. "This dark cloud. This hurt. Michael talk to me." I said. "Nippy you." I cut him off. "Fine maybe I don't but go to therapy and get help. Michael you deserve happiness. I mean you love so much. You give so much. You are the most extraordinary person I know. No matter what the paper says or anything. Michael you are." He cut me off. "Well what about you?" He said smiling and smirking. "What about me?" I said. "Well, your voice is consider a treasure." "Yea a talent that God gave me." I said. He nodded. "Sometimes I feel this world, take these gifts. Uplift them and plot to destroy them. But since they can't destroy what God has given man. Why not try to destroy the man." He said. I nodded. "Or they try to put us up on this mountain. They make you shine so bright. But nobody realize, we are human and no human is made to be put on a mountain. Beside God said no other gods before me. You can't serve too. Besides that spot is reserve for Jesus." I said. He nodded.

We talk for a bit and came back in to help take care of the girls and Blanket. Michael took the girls to the doctors. I stay at home with blanket.

"They all have stomach flu." Michael said. I nodded. "Do you think my mom will help and keep the girls." I ask. He nodded. "Yea I mean we need help." He said pulling out all the medicine. "Okay let me call mom And Kathy!" I said. He laughed and nodded. "While I read about what these are." He said. I nodded. I ask the maid to give the girls water.

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